I have recently received several ads on LinkedIn regarding workation. I am not sure if I think it sounds stupid or not.

I get the appeal of going south (I am from Denmark, we just had the most rainy summer ever recorded) and enjoy the weather, but at the same time it sounds like the perfect way to not enjoy your time abroad.

I work in a position where I could easily ask to work remote for a week or two, thus the targeting ad is correct that I am in the segment.

Any thoughts, experience or opinion on this?

  • goforliftoff
    1 year ago

    If I were single or, heck, didn’t have kids, I think I could pull this off. I have done a few conferences at cool locations where my partner comes along and that was doable, if only just. But with a partner and kids in-tow, I know I don’t have the discipline to truly work while they’re all out doing fun touristy things. Maybe a an hour or two, or a half-day at best, but no way I’m going to want to (or be able to) stay chained to the desk, no matter how nice the view is. But that’s just me and what I know about myself.