I like the focus on free expression and the loli/shota/cub policy! The admins seem pretty chill too!

  • recyclebin@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    Look, I liked it when there was /l/ in imageboards and /r/lolicon in reddit could pass off without fuzz. Nice images, funny commentaries, 3DPD, etc. It also coincided with the 2000s when internet, or at least the places I frequented, still kept this chill party vibe of high school or college aged young adults cracking jokes without nosy parents.

    We all know what happened gradually. Facebook became a thing, Linkedin became a thing, Serious Business™ was all over the place. As more people went online and also the amount of moralfaggots taking online banters at face value increased, “I’m against actual child abuse, but this is just a drawing” didn’t convince the growing crowd of Lawyers and Human Resources looking for reasons to fire you and make your life impossible.

    So I pretended to grow up. I had bills to pay. Put on a suit and played the ‘pivoting synergy’ bullshit game to keep my ‘professional’ profile squeaky clean. But we have our own limits. Some actually drink the kool aid but I wasn’t born for that. I need my alone time. I need my shitposting faggotry intakes.

    I searched for that place. The chans had changed a lot. Newfags didn’t know about Moot anymore. The reddit alternatives at the time like Voat and other “freedom loving” places were infested with either far right or far left, some even actual pedos. No thanks, I said.

    So this is how I came to be. Will this be the place? No idea. I’ll stick around and see. We all knew it was ‘the internets’. We all knew it was a joke. None of this nazi bullshit pretending to be freedom fighters. Just plain childish fun.