I like the focus on free expression and the loli/shota/cub policy! The admins seem pretty chill too!

  • Burger@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    Dunno how I didn’t notice this post, but I replied so I can assure you the nazi bar thing wont happen. We find those types super insufferable and they’re usually a hairpin’s trigger away from being mean and shitty to others, which we’ve addressed that in our rules. There’s plenty of places to get your culture war fix, we don’t want this place to turn into yet another site that peddles that tensions inflaming garbage.

    We do allow humor that some say would be politically incorrect, but if it’s anything close to calling for violence against a group of people regardless of gender or race, or if they’re directing those jokes at someone for which they asked them to stop, and they continue, then they’re not welcome here.

    Not to mention that us allowing loli/shota/cub content acts as a forcefield around us keeping those types at bay.

    Hope you enjoy your stay here.

    • shani66@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      I’m pretty sure that worry is a bit of social media poisoning, honestly. All of Reddit’s competition died because of that issue, but back in the days of forums things never got that bad. The explicit oli acceptance will probably also help to keep things manageable these days.