• vegantomato@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      You are accusing me of being biased, meanwhile these articles are extremely biased.

      I already elaborated on this in previous posts, but the gist of it is that you cannot build a society with all its various systems without having a practical conceptualization of what humans are. This is why your idea of gender-nonbinary, which is impractical to accept wholesale, will never go beyond the bedroom, niche parts of the medical industry, and maybe some transtoilets here and there. 99% of the world will still run based on the concept of two sexes, because it aligns better with reality, because it’s what’s practical.

      In times of prosperity, you can afford to play around with these ideologies (at the expense of some boys and girls), but once that prosperity ends due to war or similarly unfortunate events, all these ideas go out the window!

      • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        You are accusing me of being biased, meanwhile these articles are extremely biased.

        A bias in favor of scientifically accurate reality isn’t a bad thing. Bigotry is.

        the gist of it is that you cannot build a society with all its various systems without having a practical conceptualization of what humans are. This is why your idea of gender-nonbinary, which is impractical to accept wholesale, will never go beyond the bedroom, niche parts of the medical industry, and maybe some transtoilets here and there. 99% of the world will still run based on the concept of two sexes, because it aligns better with reality, because it’s what’s practical.

        Absolute nonsense from start to finish.

        Just because you’re used to things working a certain way doesn’t mean that it has to be that way. Similar arguments have been used against things like abolishing slavery, women entering the workforce and the concept of secular education.

        Turns out that those things ENRICH society rather than break it. Just like allowing people the gender identity that feels natural to them and respecting that reality.

        In times of prosperity, you can afford to play around with these ideologies (at the expense of some boys and girls), but once that prosperity ends due to war or similarly unfortunate events, all these ideas go out the window!

        Again, same old “society can only work if we don’t change it to be more open towards people different from me” bigoted bullshit that has been spouted since marginalized people first started getting any rights.

        • vegantomato@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Just because you’re used to things working a certain way doesn’t mean that it has to be that way.


          Similar arguments have been used against things like abolishing slavery, women entering the workforce and the concept of secular education.

          Slavery as it existed in the 1700s wasn’t abolished because the rulers had an epiphany and realized the errors of their ways. It was (mostly, not entirely) abolished for practical reasons. Institutionalized slavery still exists. You have prison labor in countries like the US. We also see outsourced slavery to more degenerate countries like China, where they do have actual slaves or laborers who are slaves in every way but name. Have you ever heard of slave free cotton, or slave free cocoa? These words exist because slavery is not gone. Companies and us consumers around the world are indirectly benefiting from slave labor till this day. I have to look long and hard to find stuff that are more ethically produced, you should know that it’s hard. We also see sex slavery, which intersects with the porn industry. Some of the women in porn could be trafficking victims. I wonder if liberals who goon to porn understand that.

          Women working corporate jobs has brought a lot of economical advantages, no doubt. They pay taxes, they increase productivity, they saturate the job market, etc. But it came at the expense of the family unit, and birth-rates. You have a rising percentage of older people needing care, and a less percentage of younger people to care for and replace them. This is one reason why many western countries are inviting immigrants, to keep things sustainable. But for how long?

          Women working is not a new phenomena. Child-rearing, taking care of the husband, taking care of the home, and doing everything a housewife does is a full-time job. It’s an honorable job. You seem to have no issue with a woman being obedient to a boss in a corporation, and keeping a smile at all times lest she gets fired. But if it’s her husband that she obeys, you suddenly get your panties in a twist.

          Just like allowing people the gender identity that feels natural to them and respecting that reality.

          It’s so natural in fact, that we have an unprecedented number of “trans-youths”. I wonder why. Maybe previous generations were just too scared to get out of the closet. Or maybe, it is because young boys and girls are being indoctrinated.

          Again, same old “society can only work if we don’t change it to be more open towards people different from me” bigoted bullshit that has been spouted since marginalized people first started getting any rights.

          Go and tell that to Ukraine.

          • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            It’s so natural in fact, that we have an unprecedented number of “trans-youths”. I wonder why

            Because society has evolved to the point that more people can come out as trans without fearing violence from bigots like yourself.

            There isn’t suddenly more trans people. People who would be trans no matter what are just being open about it to a larger degree for the abovementioned reason

            Maybe previous generations were just too scared to get out of the closet.

            Bingo. Better stop there.

            Or maybe, it is because young boys and girls are being indoctrinated

            Nope, more bigotry. That’s exactly what your fellow bigots say about gay people. Do you believe there’s a sinister “gay agenda” where people are trying to turn kids gay too?

            Go and tell that to Ukraine.

            Tell the country Ukraine what? That Russian imperialist aggression is because trans people? WTF are you smoking??

              • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                policies to indoctrinate schoolchildren increase visibility to destigmatize trans people

                Fixed it for you.

                This is scientifically established through multiple studies 1][2

                First link is a retracted study, the other is an article about gender dystrophy becoming a more common diagnosis as it’s become easier to identify than before. At no point does the article support your bigoted hypothesis that it’s all down to indoctrination.

                These are years of increased push to confuse children in schools about their sexual identity.

                Absolute nonsense.

                To ask “am I really a boy?” is not something a child would even think of


                intrusion by schoolteachers.

                The only ones intruding are bigots trying to force their 1950s gender roles on their children, teachers, doctors, scientists and others who know better.

                Pointing out, what’s proven to be, ideological hijacking of our schools is not controversial

                True. Most sane people would agree with me that disinformation-addled bigots are trying to hijack education, science including but not limited to medicine and politics to force their regressive ideology on everyone

                Same goes for the indoctrination that now takes place in these schools PTA meeting shouting matches.

                Fixed that for you too.

                doctors such as Leor Sapir who holds a Ph.D. in political science

                A Ph.D. in political science doesn’t make you a doctor

                If you are a pedophile, then you would view the institutionalization of a pipeline that makes little boys wear dresses or pole-dance as a God-sent

                Aand there’s the “gay people rape children” smear 🙄

                BTW, if I was him, I wouldn’t mention “pedophile” and “God” in the same sentence. What with the Catholic Church being the biggest child molester factory in the world and most other Christian, Muslim and Jewish denominations having more than their share of rapists too.

                I wouldn’t be so quick to put it past the pediatricians at the American Academy of Pediatrics to having these proclivities

                Wow. This guy is disgusting. This is what you show me to SUPPORT your argument??

                Tell Ukraine that they are bigoted for preventing men in dresses from evacuating their country together with women.

                As a pacifist, I am against Ukraine forcing anyone to kill and be killed against their will. It’s an atrocious thing to do to anyone whether trans or cis and arguably a human rights violation, especially when they’re forcing people to stay rather than affirm their right to seek asylum elsewhere.

                Now please leave me alone and have the day you deserve.

                • vegantomato@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  policies to increase visibility to destigmatize trans people

                  Causing children to be confused about their sexual identity by indoctrinating them with queer theory is not merely “increasing visibility to destigmatize trans people”.

                  First link is a retracted study

                  If you look closely, the redacted part was personal information that participants in the study may or may not have consented to share. So it was redacted for their privacy. It’s explained, one link away.

                  the other is an article about gender dystrophy becoming a more common diagnosis as it’s become easier to identify than before. At no point does the article support your bigoted hypothesis that it’s all down to indoctrination.

                  It shows how the number of minors receiving hormone therapy for gender dysphoria have been increasing between 2017-2021. An increase in gender dysphoria among the youth correlates with the push of queer theory in schools.


                  Fine, you can believe what you want.

                  A Ph.D. in political science doesn’t make you a doctor

                  I didn’t say he was a medical doctor.

                  Aand there’s the “gay people rape children” smear 🙄

                  I didn’t say that. I was speculating about what might motivate someone to push such ideologies. It’s worth noting that John Money (who coined the term “gender role”) and Alfred Kindsey were both pedophiles. So it’s not completely out of question.

                  Citing from John Money’s Wikipedia page:

                  Money stated that pedophilia, among other chronophilias, could be characterized as combining “devotion, affection, and limerence”, “comradeship with a touch of hero-worship” and ultimately as “harmless… in most instances”.

                  Wow. This guy is disgusting. This is what you show me to SUPPORT your argument??

                  I have no idea what’s going on in these people’s heads. Maybe it’s money. Maybe the women who participate in this hate little boys. I don’t know. But considering the outcome of this ideology, I’m certain that they are motivated by selfishness more so than helping kids.

                  BTW, if I was him, I wouldn’t mention “pedophile” and “God” in the same sentence. What with the Catholic Church being the biggest child molester factory in the world and most other Christian, Muslim and Jewish denominations having more than their share of rapists too.

                  “A God-sent” is another way of saying it “would make them very happy”. Maybe said person doesn’t believe in God at all.

                  Now please leave me alone and have the day you deserve.
