Are you sure this wasn’t written by some poor intern under some form of duress?
“With the download tray, you can see a list of all your downloads from the past 24 hours in any browser window, not just the one in which you originally downloaded a file. The tray also offers in-line options to open the folder a download is in, cancel a download, retry a download should it fail for any reason, and pause/resume downloads.”
Are you sure this wasn’t written by some poor intern under some form of duress?
“With the download tray, you can see a list of all your downloads from the past 24 hours in any browser window, not just the one in which you originally downloaded a file. The tray also offers in-line options to open the folder a download is in, cancel a download, retry a download should it fail for any reason, and pause/resume downloads.”
Of course it was. Such is the way.