"…there came a point, a few weeks ago, when I realized, the government isn’t going to end the war, isn’t bringing the hostages back, and isn’t helping the evacuees.”

" Increasingly, Netanyahu’s many opponents are questioning his handling of the war. Others are questioning the prime minister’s motives, suggesting his political interest lies in the continuation of the fighting, which inevitably delays his political demise. Netanyahu is currently under trial on various charges of corruption."

  • ThrowawayM
    2 months ago

    Half the problem from a western civilian perspective is we just dont know the truth. We know Hamas massacres civilians, sets up torture rooms in hospitals, pretend to be noncombatants, and has a quality propaganda network. We know the IDF has at a very minimum killed civilians, and invaded homes, and maybe a lot more, but how much is propaganda and how much is truth?

    We just dont know, and frankly Im frustrated that we dont know.