Australia’s Mona asked a court to reverse its ruling that allowed men inside a women’s only space.
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Australia’s Mona asked a court to reverse its ruling that allowed men inside a women’s only space.
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So misandry is A-OK as long as it doesn’t touch trans?
Women-only spaces aren’t misandry
Thank you. The reaction to this is vile. Thousands of years of bullshit for being a woman, one art exhibit, and now the dudes are screaming about re-restricting public space to women as if they came up with a thought provoking exercise.
Nope. I’m not supporting the feminist victim narrative here.
I’m just making a simple statement about what exclusive spaces do and do not mean. It’s not hateful to men to have women-only spaces.
Plenty of misandry exists in our culture, mostly fed by that victim narrative you’re espousing. But the simple act of making a woman’s club isn’t an example of misandry.
…and yet, how do you think it would be described if I opened a business that refused to accept women as customers?
One is being exercised as a demonstration and if there were places for women, like gyms it would be out of a feeling for a need for safety. The other was used to implement and maintain a foundationally masculine and abusive structure of power.
In short, they should be allowed to discriminate against men and not the reverse because men are an acceptable target?
Um duh? Trans/NB inclusive woman only does kind of cut it. As long as cishet males watch transgender porn, sure all trans/nb/fem people belong to the protected space.