Sorry this is a little late, I’ve been busy with real life this week.

I’m stating full dollar figures for simplicity, but they’re all rounded/approximate to the dollar. I’m not an accountant and its close enough for our purposes.


$267 AUD thanks to 25 generous donors, it is very much appreciated.


$34 OVH server fees. Lower than normal, as OVH seem to switch services to calendar based rather than anniversary based from the second month. The July billing period covered 8 July - 31 July, August will be 1-31.
$40 Cloudflare. Due to huge volumes of egress traffic from Cloudflare in early July, I opted to pay for a month of premium in order to investigate. The cause was found and remediated. I’ve since dropped back to the free plan.


$193 surplus from July (Income - Expenses)
$293 carried forward from June = $486 current balance


Wasabi’s trial period expired on the 8th of July, so the first bill is due this month.

Domain registration, I’ll be looking to extend by another year and keep it so that we always have at least 12 months paid up.

Server storage, I expect we’ll need to upgrade for additional storage this month. With this upgrade I’ll consider pre-paying/committing to the server for a longer period of time. This provides both a discount, and certainty to everyone that the money is put to good use.


…again, to our generous donors. The offer of an email address redirect is still open to any donors.

As always, if you have any questions please ask.

    1 year ago

    Haha - the money isn’t a concern for me, my historic stupidity from the better half’s point of view is a different story.

    Non-technical me has been following along with the nerd updates and I see we’re still figuring out plans and tech (last time I looked anyway). Have you done any preliminary estimates on what a year of this bad boy might cost? Not sure if you should just limit that to server but up to you of course…

    Like, is 200 a lot? 500? A grand?

    — edit

    Sorry, and yeah hard to predict absolutely. But no growth vs current trend + buffer maybe… I don’t know, might be way too early even to ballpark?

      1 year ago

      Upon further reflection, if people see a kitty they may not donate which creates an issue down the track for you maybe… there’s probably some research somewhere on this stuff haha…

      I guess the less rocking of the boat the better. I’ll keep watching the balance and if something fails or you need injection, please post and if there’s any reservation about putting your hand out just hit me up or something… I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️

      • 𝚝𝚛𝚔
        1 year ago

        if people see a kitty they may not donate which creates an issue down the track for you maybe

        There can be the opposite effect if there is a donation leaderboard… If people see the top donator is a relatively small number they might be inclined to throw a little extra in to take the top spot. A single big donation covers a lot of smaller donations… probably more than you would realistically get.

          1 year ago

          That is interesting to think about and reflect on…

          I don’t know what I’d think seeing that, that person is really passionate about it, that person has more money than sense, don’t need to worry about donating anymore etc…

          Might do some hobby reading over the weekend for me hehe…

          I’ve kind of landed at a “small donations to keep it ticking and if something ever crashes or needs upgrading be available to inject a bit of a lump sum” is the best approach. Or, until we know what a year will cost and then revisit.