It has been really difficult to live in a state that is notorious for gangs, especially gangs that don’t resemble me. It is even more difficult when it comes time to apply for a job and I am faced with hiring committees that often are dominated by one gang, or another. It is even worse when it is a gang that seems to have money and power in this state. I was denied a summer job today after being interviewed by a team of all Latino managerial staff members. I have never been one to say I felt uncomfortable being the only white person, and only female, in an interview session, but I feel like I need to say it now. It made me uncomfortable. I could see them exchange looks to one another, while on the virtual camera, as if to insinuate that I didn’t fit in with their clique. I had the qualifications as a first responder for this job position, and have been previously employed by that employer. I even made a rescue that was noted in a previous year. I hate to say that, because it sounds like bragging, but it is part of my job experience.

I know someone is going to comment to the effect of, “why can’t you just apply in another California city where the hiring committee looks more like you?” My answer: “you want me to go apply in the hills and hope the skins take pity on me?” My blood type is NOT rh+. Why does that matter? Because California is full of blood gangs. There. I said it. I can’t just go sit at a different lunch table with all the other white people, as a metaphor for this instance. I’m not one of them, and it has been like this my whole life. So who can I sit with? I hate to make employment sound like a prison yard from a TV show here, but in some ways it is.

I used to think it was just the way my peers behaved in high school, but I soon realized girls on my volleyball team would never speak to me because it less about “people who went to their church”, and more about people who were part of their blood gang. Their church was a cover for a white blood gang where everyone was rh+. I was more than welcome to play tennis, even though many of my teammates didn’t look like me. Why? Because they weren’t part of some huge blood gang that was pretending to be a clique formed around a church group. Where are they now? Who knows. Maybe they joined that “church”, or maybe they moved out of California and had families of their own. Well, why doesn’t my older sister have these problems, then? She isn’t my biological sister. Apparently, she’s just a distant cousin that was raised with me, but I’m not really supposed to discuss it. There are a lot of issues like that with family, and how people are related, or not related.

Long story short, I feel like I need to move to another state. So where to? Alabama? Texas? North Carolina? I’m a registered democrat who gives blood every eight weeks to save the lives of newborns at the children’s hospital in this area. Most of the time, the babies saved by my blood are Latino/Latina. Oh, and the child I rescued in 2021, was African American. It doesn’t matter. As soon as groups (god forbid I say gangs) see my face, all they care about is the fact that I don’t look like everyone around here. Suddenly, I’m the enemy and I didn’t even do anything wrong. I’ve spent my whole life in California, for the most part. I have over 600 relatives in the South. You think they want to meet me? You think they’d like me? No, probably not. So where the hell am I supposed to go?!?

  • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
    5 months ago

    Oh, and if I’m being downvoted because viewers think my post is about race, be informed that it isn’t. If I moved to a place like Germany, I would face great amounts of discrimination, there, as well. They would discover my blood type, realize it is different than everyone else in that country, despite the fact that I’m white, and they would not want me to be there.

    • gregorum
      5 months ago

      Oh, and if I’m being downvoted because viewers think my post is about race, be informed that it isn’t.

      I was denied a summer job today after being interviewed by a team of all Latino managerial staff members. I have never been one to say I felt uncomfortable being the only white person, and only female, in an interview session, but I feel like I need to say it now. It made me uncomfortable.

      • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
        5 months ago

        If I were racist, I would stop giving blood to save sick newborn children from other races. I guess one comment wasn’t enough for you. Also, you used a meme with a white girl in it? I guess you have a preference and are seeking attention from a white girl because of it. I guess the second meme is really about yourself.

        • gregorum
          5 months ago

          just because you think this way doesn’t mean others do.

      5 months ago

      There are 45 accepted blood types. That’s all the blood cell types and antigens and antibodies. For all humans, at least so far as blood transfusion recognizes.

      I don’t think that is the discrimination vector you think it is, nor a reason you’d be discriminated against at all.

      • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
        5 months ago

        By discussing blood gangs, I’m trying to explain that my body is physically incapable of making other blood types besides O-. For this reason, I am not direct family to the other blood gangs, just like how all the rh- females I descended from are not either. I guess on the bright side, I don’t have to make the gangsters that hate me because I’m white. Blood type matters and gangs form around it.

        • gregorum
          5 months ago

          “blood”, “gangs”, and “blood gangs” are well-worn racist and anti-Semitic tropes dating back to the middle ages.

          I guess on the bright side, I don’t have to make the gangsters that hate me because I’m white.

          not even trying to hide it now, i see

          5 months ago

          Gangs forming around blood type is marketing and ignorance.

          You’re O negative. Your cells don’t have the A or B antigens. You have no Rh antigens. Billions of people share this. You are the “universal donor” because of the lack of these which prevents an immune response in people of other types because there is no newly introduced protein etc. to their bodies.

          I’m AB positive. The opposite. I’m the “universal recipient”. And I’ve needed blood, so thank you for your donations. But these differences are as far as they go and the blood products system wouldn’t work if it was any other way.

          • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
            5 months ago

            You’re the only person outside of blood bank workers that have told me thank you for donating. Thank you. I appreciate that. I’m sorry you were in a situation where you needed a blood transfusion. I have been in that situation, too. It can be scary.

            Not to be rude, but as an AB+ male, the only person with whom you could biologically have children would be an AB+ woman, correct? That would mean your direct family would also be AB+. In a world where O+ people are the majority, and there are gangs and nepotism tied to direct family relations, you don’t feel discriminated against at times? I personally feel that O+ blood gangs dominate places of employment in California.

              5 months ago

              Blood type doesn’t limit reproduction between people. A baby will inherit some combination of the two parents.

              Edit: for example, my wife is O+. We’ve had multiple children. No clue what their types are, it doesn’t come up in health care around here until it’s needed.

              • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
                5 months ago

                I know what the charts say, and used to tell the opposition they were wrong every chance I had. Then I dated someone for three and a half years, had been discussing marriage and children, and whatnot. You know what happened? That person and I never had a single pregnancy, even after I stopped taking birth control and we stopped using contraceptives. He isn’t sterile and I’m not infertile. He was AB+. I’m O-. He left me for someone else. I married a man who was O+. We didn’t have any children together. A relative of my own blood type raped me in my sleep and fathered my son. I’d like to believe blood type doesn’t matter. I entered college as a biology major and was so into punnet squares . As soon as an older classmate who had a genetics class confronted me about punnet squares and said they were all incorrect, I was stunned. Why did I waste all of that time studying them then? It turns out, according to students in that genetics class and their professor, the rules on conception work much along the lines of a blood donation chart you might see at a blood bank.