Trying to play Elden Ring on the deck and not enjoying it. Anyone have tips on how to improve the experience, it’s my only platform and I want to like the game?

    5 months ago

    The camera is certainly that much more of a challenge. Be careful of large head-wear and if you have to wear one you will need to crouch a lot to get a good view in front of you. The game itself is made to die. I don’t know how far you have gotten into it but the lore itself explains why you basically come back after every death. This is contrasted by it having the most ridiculously easy tutorial of any game I have played. So easiest tutorial combined with hardest actual play sets you up for as you come out of the elevator for quite the smackdown. I found the tutorial was hard to use to determine what start i wanted to use as even the astrologer can one hit most of the creatures with a wack from the staff. Something you are never going to see in the game world. Anyway back to the meant to die machanic. You keep items but lose your xp/currency which is the same thing, but you have one chance to get your currency/xp back. Best thing to do in the beginning is to find a guide and explore along with getting items. You sorta need to get a feel for when you are going to do something where death is likely and you won’t be able to get your rings back. At those times you want to level as much as you can (you pretty much want to level any time you have the rings to) and then buy stuff you could use. Exploration wise its good to look for guides around the npc quests as you can lose parts just by going to far without talking to them. So you sorta want to know their location at any particular time and make sure the dialogues are up to date. phew. Yeah its quite the game. It is possible to enjoy. I personally have a stressful enough job and life that I do not like challenging games. I often say I just want to play with dolls. pew pew. zooooooooooom. I played eleden ring assuming I would stop in short order as it got hard. Recognizing the resurrection mechanic as just a thing and treating it more like an exploration game combined with you can stop a game at any time as save is basically just a long standing pause. As a matter of fact another tip is don’t afk. just quit the game as you come back exactly where you are as you were (the only exception is enemies not killed may show up with full health so don’t leave half beaten enemies). So I found I could pick it up and put it down whenever I liked unless I was literally in the middle of a bossfight. and just to call out the most annoyingly difficult part. first section of haligtree.