• conditional_soup
    1 month ago

    Let me lead with this: I want Biden to win.

    The Russia bit makes me think that a right-winger actually drew this, but the first three panels are pretty on point with my social media experience. It really reminds me of 2016, where basically the democrats felt they had license to just phone it in because Trump was so despicable that they didn’t see why they should bother. He’d never actually win, right? The loop for 2024 goes:

    -Someone shares a gaslighting article about how Biden actually fixed the economy/healthcare/the war in Ukraine/higher education/whatever and just nobody noticed.

    -Someone else says that that doesn’t align with their experience

    -OP or others come and accuse them of being a Trump supporter or otherwise dismiss their concerns (either “anecdotes don’t count” or “well, it doesn’t matter because Trump is worse” usually).

    And to be clear, Biden has done a lot, at least relative to US Pol. Probably more than Obama did in his eight years. I’m a huge, huge fan of his rail revitalization efforts. But the conversations about his accomplishments and challenges aren’t being handled in the same ballpark as honest, and I’m seeing enough parallels between now and 16 that I’m starting to get uncomfortable. If the democrats try to take “we don’t have to try, Trump is not a serious electoral challenge” to the bank again, I’m going to write a book about political Darwin awards and make them the fucking headline. Jesus Christ, it’s like being driven around by someone who’s previously been hit by a train, and they look at you and go “I bet I can beat the train across the tracks.” It’s horrifying, under the circumstances.