• SoylentBlake
    4 months ago

    Policies pushed by progressives have the popular support, of anything it’s Dems being mikquetoast corporate doormats (you’re “center”) that costs them elections.

    Then when they have the chance they don’t pull out the stops and use the tools they have.

    The only reason Republicans are even in contention is that they play the government game better. They know all the rules, and will use any tricks to turn the game to their favor, even into illegality. Dems play by some 50 year old decorum that was last honored under Carter, in other words, they’ve been outmaneuvered on every issue before they even get the mic - that’s why the only thing Democrats do consistently is pass Republican written legislation.

    A spineless sellout feck does not inspire, and remember, Democrats need to fall in love, while Republicans fall in line.