• Luna [she/her]
    44 minutes ago
    depression vent (It's long)

    Y’all I feel like shit (bland, dull, bad, idk how else to describe it). I’m hoping this is just because I’m on the tail end of my injection cycle, but if it’s not I’m probably about to be put into the ringer. I really should look into therapy or something because I get the smallest wins (especially after starting E) and I say “wow E cured my depression I thought I had already gotten over” and then I get back into it and it feels worse than it did before. It could also be Bipolar or something of that vein, or even worse its just something fun that could possibly come from AuDHD (realizing as I am typing this that it would have been better for the neurodiverse comm but whatever I need to get it out there). Despite being on Hexbear now and getting to talk to all of you, I feel lonlier than I have probably ever felt. I got a taste of this almost a year ago when most of the people I know either moved or became too occupied, and I was like “this is fine, I like isolation anyway, I like my personal time” and then my family was gone and I realized how much I despise it. After my egg cracked though I suddenly found myself wanting to spend more time with other people. The issue is, after “preferring” isolation for so long (in combination with my AuDHD and whatever else is going on inside my head) I am left without (what I feel) are adequate skills to meet new people, make new friends, even talk to other peers. The farthest I can get in conversations was my (now ex) cashier job and in passing with strangers while walking/hiking because I have had a lot of time to hone scripts for these situations. When I don’t have a script, however, and I try to do something, it sends me into an anxiety-ridden spiral (I struggle to learn because I just form scripts, these don’t help me improve). This is so bad that it even happens on here; It’s the reason I often don’t know what to say, can’t respond to others appropriately, etc (Y’all have just been getting a lot of this cat-trans, I’m sorry I just haven’t really been able to put much into words).

    TL;DR (CW: excessive swearing)

    Fuck my AuDHD, Fuck Depression (or Bipolar or whatever the fuck), Fuck Social Anxiety (and anxiety in general), and of course, I’m extremely sorry I haven’t been present. How horrible is it that I disassociate from an internet forum and just enter lurker mode again. It makes me feel horrible and like a stalker sadness

    So that you all don’t have to read these if you don’t want to (or try to respond to it), or just want some positivity out of me, I can still give it. One of my friends is using my new name now, and I starting voice training today! I thought I would enjoy it, since I like singing and all, but it is a different beast. I’m used to vocalizing, but I’m rusty, haven’t had to do it in a while, and I sound like some sort of combination between a dead animal and voice cracks (the voice cracks aren’t bad, I know, but it’s jarring).

    Death to cis, Luna

  • Yor [she/her]
    57 minutes ago
    excuse my wistful posting

    thinking of cooking something nice for a partner or even just grabbing our favourite meals and hanging out on vc, planning the next time we’ll be close

    not a great pride month this year, but maybe next 🙁

  • Thallo [she/her, he/him]
    2 hours ago

    I have to get a safe and routine medical procedure (that I’ve had before) done today, but I’ll need to be put under anesthesia. This is a really huge trigger for my anxiety, so I’m really scared. Tbh, I want to just cancel it and run. Could hardly sleep last night because I was so panicked.

    Tomorrow, when this is all done, I think I want to tell my wife my new name and “officially” start transition

  • khizuo [ze/zir]
    5 hours ago

    can’t believe it’s been over four years since I first came out as not cis transshork-happy I was one of the first people in my high school at the time to do it

  • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
    5 hours ago

    Somehow I continue to accrue friend requests on Goodreads. I mean my profile is a horror show, a weird & kinda scary blending of pure weird shit and exclusively queer, but go off, let’s be friends. I’m sure you won’t find it weird when I leave a way overly personal review of some stupid litfic thing, right? normal

  • DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
    11 hours ago

    Since I started interpreting my doctors instructions right, and taking a doble dose of estrogen I have been doing much better. I am not nearly as depressed as before, almost not at all anymore to be honest.

    Solution to all of lives problems: Just take some Estrogen, and if it hasn’t helped yet, take more.