Two weeks after workers at the company announced a union drive, Grindr management has issued a return-to-office policy that workers say is retaliatory.

LGBTQ dating app Grindr has issued a new return-to-office policy requiring staff to relocate to other cities, just two weeks after its workers announced they were unionizing with the Communications Workers of America. The certification form, sent to workers on Monday night and obtained by Motherboard, states that the policy requires workers to either move within 50 miles of their newly designated office or lose their jobs.

Workers told Motherboard that the policy was first announced on Thursday, during a previously scheduled all-hands meeting, and that it was the first time they had heard from management since the unionization was announced.

“We announced our union on July 20 and then we heard literally nothing from Grindr management until Thursday, when they announced that we all had two weeks to decide whether we were going to move across the country or get fired,” said Quinn McGee, a trust and safety product manager and organizer at Grindr United CWA. “As soon as George [Arison, Grindr’s CEO] stopped talking, one of my colleagues began to ask a question about all of us suddenly having to uproot our lives—and they cut the call.”

“The root of the problem here is that it’s an extremely disrespectful and rude way to convey this kind of dramatic change,” said Jack Alto, a staff software engineer and union organizer.

On Monday night, Grindr management sent out a return-to-office certification form, which was obtained by Motherboard. The form asked workers to declare whether they lived within 50 miles of their designated office, and if not, whether they were willing to move by October 3. If workers were not willing to relocate to their new offices—Chicago for the engineering team, Alto said, and Los Angeles or the San Francisco Bay Area for the product and design teams—their jobs would end on August 31. By choosing this option, workers would receive six months of severance pay and COBRA healthcare benefits, the memo states.

“Any team member who does not complete and return this form by August 17, 2023 will be considered not to have agreed to comply with Grindr’s hybrid work policy and RTO plan and/or to have declined to relocate, (if applicable),” the notice states. “Those team members will be offered the applicable severance package (including a separation agreement and release) and their last day of employment with Grindr will be August 31, 2023.”

The form states that Grindr was “excited about its hybrid work model” and how it would “foster the inclusive culture and community we so deeply believe in.” In a memo reported by Bloomberg, CEO George Arison claimed that the company had been working on the policy “for many months.”

“It’s not even a well-drawn-out plan,” said McGee, who mainly works out of their home in New York City. “They have not told us where the office in the Bay Area is going to be. If this was indeed planned for months as they’re claiming, why isn’t there a lease? They’ve sublet a WeWork space that I would wager, given the WeWork space that we have in New York, is not big enough for the entire product design team that they’ve told to move to California. So where do they expect us to be working?”

A Grindr spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

“To tell me that I have two weeks to decide whether or not to uproot my family’s life, for a job that won’t come to the table and speak with me as an adult—it’s dehumanizing,” McGee said. “This is a very, very difficult time in the country right now for trans people. This is hard for anybody, but particularly for trans people. That they have to uproot themselves from where they have found safety and security and family is appallingly cruel. Telling us to move to cities where we don’t have medical providers. It’s appalling. I’m lost for words.”

Workers first started organizing in December of last year, Alto said, after Grindr became a public company and they started seeing some “worrying signs.”

“Our demands as a union can basically be summarized as, ‘We like our jobs. We like our benefits. We would like to codify these in writing so that the rug doesn’t get pulled out from under us,’” Alto said. “And Grindr management’s response, likely at the urging of Littler Mendelson, has been to pull the rug out from under us faster.”

Littler Mendelson is a law firm that says it specializes in “initiating strategies that lawfully avoid unions.” The CWA announced that Grindr had hired the firm on Friday. The union also filed an unfair labor practice charge against the company claiming the new policy was retaliatory to unionizing workers.

“This requirement to return to in-person work threatens employees with job loss if they either do not work near an in-person office or relocate to an area near the in-person office and constitutes a change in its disciplinary system,” the charge states.

“The queer voices that are the workers of Grindr engaged in protected organizing activity, and asked for voluntary recognition, and were ghosted,” McGee said. “We want a strong Grindr. We want a successful Grindr that works for all the people who use it as a welcoming place for the whole LGBTQ community. And we want to build it together. There’s still time to do the right thing. All they have to do is say yes, and it would be that easy.”

  • Awoo [she/her]
    11 months ago

    They gonna pay for people to break their rent contracts? This would be functionally impossible for most renters in the UK who get locked into 12 month contracts, getting out of them either requires a fairly decent landlord or paying it off.

  • d0n7panic
    11 months ago

    I hope the entire employee base opts for the 6 month severance option and the executives are left alone twiddling their thumbs, as fucked as their users on a Friday night (if they’re lucky 😁)

    Such balls to make a threat like that expecting your employees to just cave in as if you’re doing them a favor by graciously employing them 🙄 Leadership need to start appreciating their talent at these companies.

  • babyman [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    between say black attack bitter measure small daughter separate dry slip stomach pen self care mist current board not building station argument full be tin town dress sex name political again table wine help tired bone toe waste knee after bird bread harmony cough field dead scale fowl wind belief

  • babyman [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    complex apparatus every condition detail slope bread cord comb sudden hearing rule sticky unit increase statement porter glass simple wood why spade make canvas vessel country night thick church than friend sudden simple behaviour wine as respect business help hanging moon spoon development field important wheel development card limit guide

  • babyman [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    regret ready crush letter mother baby dependent current ant heat brush black heart trouble minute news sheep idea on jump owner interest wet spade twist near line on blow ear noise farm thick and run digestion play foot owner effect clean size brake news complex wound on flight chain cruel

  • aby [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    brake chief birth church slip nail person boat coal disease give care spring cough regular that place clear religion street school common there chest fixed while condition political taste attack father dark new sweet green door lip so plate root cup comb see engine right cup tight get rub night

  • aby [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    motion base square in screw wrong army move respect past muscle wall plane cruel together sad verse spoon smash discussion side knee safe straight spade trade room land night animal clear tongue false cotton so side profit experience basket complete stop tray north spade curve stem night right poor love

  • aby [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    mother wind fly over ink selection high flower stem language authority why second black possible nose pleasure stop base future hole necessary card arch mind teaching because apple at story tin fat meat way pain brush gun island full conscious see whip day general come with step night fight edge

  • babyman [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    unit awake glass west rate kettle competition nail that wind band sign apple rough face black feeble ready you pull sneeze tree how advertisement mixed ill square cry complex possible stage note base word tomorrow oven development distance cork fire do off hope behaviour manager soap about fire common nose

  • babyman [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    off operation soup fact wood young act loose bitter green rain memory field loose sad rule cruel ice married black then apple elastic money copy gold whistle shame boiling watch up sticky cruel tooth flower request rate pig glass thick give material sea horse death attention star mountain push mass

  • babyman [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    mixed digestion girl price physical oil wood minute cloud limit tax get cup stitch tongue who even scissors debt feeble military branch attraction note history machine frequent building heat horn almost hate smile level train cruel late coal bulb month plate wood from view farm sharp pull butter history attempt

  • babyman [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    horn stem week air male morning offer start reason business prison that parallel wrong soap dry well bread root authority rest floor theory chain discovery science record doubt time go transport ball mind green time married collar here wet rule trade white fiction well band meal east exchange event rat