Yllych [any]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2020


  • I think the way out of the climate crisis is basically the question of what economic mode we want to inhabit, capitalism or socialism.

    Countries that produce way more carbon per capita are going to need to drastically reduce their carbon outputs while at the same time allowing developing countries to raise living standards to some kind of agreed global level that is equitable and sustainable for all life on this planet. This should involve wealth transfers of huge proportions to areas of the globe that have been historically depleted (Africa, namely).

    Manufacturing is going to have to be returned to sites more local to consumption. Animal agriculture, especially in the west, must be decimated. Oil and fossil fuels in particular have to go by the next twenty years, that’s not optional. Personal automobiles I would say too. Waste of all kinds must be minimised, from clothes that will need to last much longer to electronics that can be totally disassembled and recycled.

    Imagine a kind of global War Communism, maybe for half a century or more. Except it would not be resisting an enemy that wants you dead, but giving life back to the only place we know where anything can live.

    I’m sure all of us here could add to an eco wish list, but to cut to the heart of it is to say: socialism or barbarism is the choice. Production for exchange value can’t go on. the metastasising growth logic of capitalism must end, and with it all the long standing hierarchies and chauvinisms that it has both descended from and bred must end as well. Capitalism cannot accomplish this task, the market cannot price it’s own destruction in.

    So again the question of how to emerge from the climate crisis is essentially the question of how to escape capitalism. And here I definitely side more with Malm. There is no economic mode in history that has disappeared without a world-scarring fight.

    No one , especially not Marxists, can afford to be naive about it. Capitalism will kill us all unless we all kill it. Putting it extremely simply, We must organise everyone who is pissed at capitalism, and turn that into a disciplined mass organisation with international solidarity. The proletariat is the only class poised for revolution under capitalism, and that is where any real hope will lie.