Somehow I was unaware until school started this week that the state I live in, Indiana, passed a law this year requiring the school to REPORT to the parents if a child requests to be called by a different name or gender pronoun than they registered under…and the parent has to give written permission for the school to use said name or gender pronouns. This has put a ridiculous burden on the teachers, of course. Today I got an email notifying me that my son, Ben, would like to be called Ben and not Benjamin. I signed a form. Thousands of other parents will do so as well.

This is absolutely fucking ridiculous in so many ways. The pursuit of eliminating trans people at all costs has gotten so out of hand. This is some Taliban shit.

Please…for fuck’s sake call my kids whatever they want to be called, have drag queens read to them…teach them that slavery was bad and gay people exist. Let the teachers teach. Help my kids to be smart and kind and call it a day…I trust our public school system. This is so infuriating.

To the people passing these laws, I hope your children and grandchildren are ashamed of you and put you in a shitty nursing home and never visit you…and then you die (of old age) and the next generation is better. This is disgusting.

  • Throwaway
    1 year ago

    If they work for the government directly, then they are part of the government.

    And for the record, public schools are shit, kids are bullied, and they fail to teach. And any time an adult wants a kid to keep secrets, its not a good thing. Im trying very hard to not call you guys pedos, but thats what pedos do, ask kids to keep secrets from parents.

      1 year ago

      No one is asking kids to keep secrets. The kid is free to tell anyone they want, including their parents, what name they prefer to go by for school. It’s hands down a sloppy attempt to ostracize and alienate trans children by making it the overworked teachers responsibility to police nickname use by checking with parents.

      Lmao at your reach though, I hope you get deprogrammed soon.