Pray for me that this is my moment.

I won an award at work which was nice. They wanted to give me a little certificate and take my picture.

Take my picture.

I work from home and had allowed myself to get fat and gross. I was planning on dieting a bit to get rid of the water weight so I wouldn’t be all bloated. I would start on Monday.

The Thursday before we were part of a prayer rally and it was late so we all went out to eat.

I couldn’t fit behind the booth. I technically could fit behind the booth, but it was uncomfortable. We made it work, but something just broke in me. It’s hard to explain. Yes it’s very embarrassing, but it’s not like I can duck around the corner and shed 50lbs. You’re just there in the moment, solve the immediate problem. That was Thursday evening and the picture was not the next day but the Friday after. I had 8 days.

I fasted for 8 days. That will get rid of all the water weight. I’ve done slightly longer fasts in the past but for some reason I started feeling sick, so I broke fast and went to OMAD. I’ve been on that for the past week. Keto and OMAD.

I am at 300 lbs, my guess is that I started my fast at 330 lbs. People don’t stay 300 lbs, you either lose weight or you go up to 500 lbs. I don’t know what to say because I have successfully lost weight in the past and kept it off for years, then life got really stressful, I didn’t deal well with it.

Food is definitely an addiction for me. Please send up prayers for me that I can stick with my diet. My thought is that by combining Keto and calorie counting then there is no way I can not lose weight. If I stick to my plan eventually I will hit my goal. I’m 6ft plus, 300 lb guy. If I eat 1500 calories a day, I will lose weight. If I eat high fat low carb, I won’t get hunger cravings.

My last plea to you is - don’t get fat. If you have to lose a lot of weight your own biology really works against you. If you need to lose 20 lbs, do it now.

Thanks for listening.

    1 year ago

    Sending prayers my dude. My dad used to weigh 400lbs but once he started working out on an empty stomach, and battling the sickness that came with it, he dropped to 240. Sense you way 300, I’d say give that a shot. Wake up, don’t eat and go to the gym, you’re body will use the fat stored up as energy and you’ll burn it a lot quicker. The trick is that after, have a low calorie meal and a protein shake. Keep that up and I’m sure you’ll get you’re desired weight! If my 400lb dad could do it, so can you!

    • intensely_human
      1 year ago

      Protein helps build muscles, and muscles consume energy continually in proportion to their volume.