It looks like ubuntu touch on the fairphone 4 is nearly perfect, and the features that don’t work I won’t miss. I’m very tempted to buy a second hand fairphone 4, but I can’t really find much on the experience of ubuntu touch. How do you install apps? Are there repo’s that I can look at? And is it just branded ubuntu touch, or will any ubuntu apps made for arm work on ubuntu touch? If anybody has some links or personal experiences they could share, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance!

  • Antonio J.
    1 month ago

    @jeffreyosborne @poVoq There are things like everything in containers that restrict and secure each app. You can install Linux apps (I remember installing Kleopatra and had a terrible experience with the app not been mobile ready) but it’s not the same always. As an example, you can have SSH but it’s a container, so you don’t have access to other things remotely. So it’s a big variation of a regular Ubuntu. Now I have installed (FP4) PostmarketOS and it’s a real Alpine with pros and cons