• Tech With Jake
    1 year ago

    Never once said “orange man bad”. Never even said his name.

    Someone who has been investigated for breaking laws isn’t going after a political opponent, it’s following the law. I don’t care what party they affiliate with.

    President != Party is in power. Just because the President can sign executive orders doesn’t make them laws. Laws are passed by Congress and can either be signed or vetoed by the President. Which even then Congress can vote a law in to completely by-pass the President.

    I think you’re the one eating up all the hate rhetoric because I even said the Democrats need to do more. But all you can see is me saying that it’s the Republicans in control of the House and the Senate is split so they need to take responsibility there too.

    • Whirlybird@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      They’re only going after trump because he’s running for presidency. They’re literally on record saying they have to do everything they can to prevent him from taking office again. Political prosecution, even if he is found not guilty or all charges are dropped, is a way of doing that.

      The president is the head of the elected party. You cannot possibly be making this argument that the democrats aren’t in power 😂

      We’re in agreeance that both parties are shit at actually helping the regular people. They’re both only out for themselves, the career politicians. What I’m saying is that the democrat diehards in here still blame the republicans for everything that’s wrong and give the democrats a pass when the democrats are literally in power right now. Now sure, they can’t just push whatever they want through……but they’re not even trying. What have they put in front of congress and the house and every other level to fox the affordable housing crisis? Inflation? Any of the other number of huge issues affecting everyone outside of the millionaire politicians?

      • Tech With Jake
        1 year ago

        As admitted by you, you’re not an American, so I wouldn’t expect you to understand how American politics work. We don’t have kings or queens here. It’s why we have the House and Senate. They pass the laws. The President can only sign executive orders which the House and Senate can over rule. I mean, just look at what’s happening with Student Loan forgiveness right now.

        Source for the statements?

        He allegedly broke laws. He doesn’t get a free pass just cause he was once president. No one should be above the law. No one.

        • Whirlybird@aussie.zone
          1 year ago

          I don’t need to be an American to know how American politics work. You’re not unique, nor is your government setup. The democrats are in power. Fact. They literally call it the “Biden Administration”. “Bidenomics” ring a bell? Just because they don’t control all levels doesn’t mean they’re not in power.

          Of course trump doesn’t get a free pass, never suggested he did. You’re naive if you believe that these charges weren’t brought about purely to harm his presidential run though. Most of them will get thrown out or dropped because they’re absurd. Their goal was throw everything at the wall and hope that it damages his election run, and if something manages to stick then that’s a bonus. It’s all about keeping him out of the White House.
