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For this Wednesday Super Slop Night, 8PM EST, it’s come to this: we’re watching a Batman movie. Specifically, we are watching Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (2012-13), a two-part animated adaptation of one of the most iconic Batman stories, Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns (1986). It marke the eact moment that Batman became a brooding edgelord and has set the template for every gritty superhero reboot since. It is also a good look into Miller’s deranged chuddy, Reaganite psyche that views Batman as the most awesome badass ever. This film is widely considered the best of DC Comics’ direct-to-video films, so let’s check it out.

Next up is Killer Bean Forever (2008), a CGI animation about a cop who is a literal coffee bean. He fights crime. The magnu opus of director Jef Lew, who also used the bean character in a few short films beforehand. A cult classic.

We’ll start at 8PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!

Letterboxd: links:

CWs for Batman: The Dark Knight Returns:

  • Gun violence.
  • Blood and gore.
  • Fistfighting.
  • Copaganda.
  • Violent mentally-ill people.
  • Suicide.
  • Electrocution.
  • Profanity.
  • Alcohol.
  • Drugs.
  • Broken bones.

CWs for Killer Bean Forever:

  • Gun violence.
  • Copaganda.
  • Profanity.
  • Alcohol.

Links to movies: