I am in my postcovid phase again. This is the third or fourth time and every time I’ve lost more of my overall health. The first time was the worst and longest, ended up in the hospital that time. After the Omicron one I developed plantar fasciitis and pains so bad that my running and jumping has ended for good. There’s been so many weird issues, even teeth breaking. Also flared up my sciatica that has been fine for a decade or more.

But the thing that disables me the most is the nausea and gagging, the GI stuff and POTS I get from it. And it’s back again. This time no bad coughing and thankfully not too much mental stuff, but oh man the heart/GI symptoms suck! I spend months gagging on the side of the road when leaving for work after I get it every damn time. It is always worse in the morning and I was just rid of it when I got infected again by my “living like it’s 2019” family, for the second time within a year.

I am four weeks in this time and I have a high pounding heartrate after eating and on standing up, some nights I wake up to my heart pounding. Also very hightened stress response, feels like I am just wired all the time. This has happened to me every time, the first time it even gave me the worst panic attacks ever that came fully out of nowhere, it was wild and felt 100% physical.

Oh and interesting new pain stuff along with the foot and joint pains: Yesterday I did a bit of foam rolling to my back and neck to see if it might help with the nausea ans stress. I have done this for years with no issue. Today I feel like someone rolled over my spine with a truck. It’s like my entire back is inflamed.

This post covid inflammation is hell. I wonder if I’ll still make it, if my heart will.

Just a bit of rant, I am just scared and tired of this. My life is pretty good atm otherwise, I finally would have steady work and income after decades of poverty, I even like my work. Life is more secure and I am just happpier because I know I am audh now and have gotten rid of a lot of brainworms. But this virus feels like it will end me and it feels like there is nothing whatsoever I can do to truly prevent this. We are and have been very cautious, but extended family keeps bringing it to us or we are forced to get it from work/studies. I am not sure my body can keep rolling this dice even once anymore. And we can’t even get boosters here, they just aren’t available to us.

My partner who was high risk to begin with has developed diabetes after the infection we got for Christmas 2023. And after this time he is just very very brain foggy and has been irritable, not at all himself. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him to this.

  • JamesGoblin [he/him]@hexbear.net
    5 hours ago

    Was in similar situation for roughly ~4 months, what helped most is fixing my sleep (up to 7-8+ hours every night; this takes a bit of education and then some discipline), some quick(~10min) yoga nidra daily (it’s very simple, nothing to learn - this also refreshes & compensates for some missong sleep) and 4-8000 units of vitamin D.

    PS and of course pacing: learning what triggers “bad days” and in general moderating your mental/physical activity = split everything you do in smaller parts, at least halves, this includes meals[!] and even just googling/shitposting.

    • Thank you.

      I’ve made sure I sleep at least 8 hours after I was in this situation the first time in 2020. I can no longer function unless I prioritize this and it doesn’t “go away”. I am ok with that.

      Pacing is my go to, but even that doesn’t always help in these early post covid days. It is getting better again, did some light lifting yesterdy and was able to pace it, so I feel better for it today and not worse. The start of movement gag is still here, but hoping it goes away again over time. meow-hug

  • LocalOaf [they/them]@hexbear.net
    11 days ago


    Dreaming of Fauci/Birx/Wolensky etc rotting in the Hague keeps me going sometimes

    The aches, inflammation, irritability, brain fog, racing heart and lightheadedness from standing up after crouching all track with me and I chipped a tooth too, no clue if that’s related but at this point it wouldn’t surprise me.

    Sleep problems have been the worst for me. It takes me forever to get comfortable now and even longer to fall asleep no matter how exhausted I am. I wake up much easier from noises, and sometimes get random racing pulse lying totally still when I’m trying to fall asleep. I don’t know what to make of that or what can be done to improve it and I’ll live the rest of my life being fucking furious at every piece of shit that botched the covid response and decimated the healthcare sector and permanently damaged public trust or the very notion of a societal responsibility to prevent communicable disease from spreading. It’s “back to normal” forever now, and I hope everyone in the current, next and previous admins all fucking die of covid like they deserve to.


    • Oh fuck I am sorry, I had the sleep problems and spent months with horrible bedtime anxiety, but thankfully they aren’t bad this time. Really hope it eases for you. meow-hug

      I agree, the covid “experts” all deserve the wall. Here in the nordic countries they really revealed the eugenist roots of their public health policy with covid. I knew it was bad because I know what Finnish public health historically did to pathologize Karelian folks responses to poverty and oppression, but oh my god they didn’t even try to hide the same ideologies today. Every day a talking head was on the news reassuring the normos not to worry because covid only kills those already weak/frail. Disgusting.

      • LocalOaf [they/them]@hexbear.net
        10 days ago

        Scratch a liberal’s treat supply and a eugenicist bleeds, it’s sickening. They let millions of people die so they could all go back to eating at Cracker Barrel and go see Glup Shitto: A Star War Story

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
      10 days ago

      Fauci got West Nile Virus and it still didn’t kill him. I’d like to think that rest of his existence is just gonna be suffering all the worse shit rather than dying.


  • But the thing that disables me the most is the nausea and gagging, the GI stuff

    Big fucking mood. I just constantly gag on nothing. And then my heart is pounding and my eyes water up. It happens all day and it sucks.

    Also I’m lactose intolerant now which isn’t the worst thing in the world but is annoying.

    • It fucking sucks. The first time I had it after covid it was so bad I had a sick bag with me in public transport, because I was afraid I will throw up in the bus. This is when I had the violent coughing fits that also made me gag and throw up. These days the gag most often comes after I start walking.

      There is also so much burbing after any food and then my belly just randomly bloats from all the things. The first time it happened with og covid it freaked me out so bad because my stomach turned into a balloon even from just eating a small piece of bread and almost all food made me throw up, I had to eat standing up and in the smallest possible bites to prevent my body from returning the food to the sender. I lost 10kg of weight in just a few weeks that time. Doctors were like “sucks to be you, eat more fiber”.

      Have looked into histamine, SIBO, probiotics, all the things. Only time seems to really help, but it never fully goes away. It did get a lot better again just before we got this shit again.😭

    • It does and it causes so much grief. My biggest thing has been the loss of strenght and just the way my body no longer “works”.

      I used to lift a lot and do different high intensity workouts for my dopamine, after the first round of this I noticed I lost my all of my bounce and speed and those never came back no matter how much I tried, but we still managed to get back to light running, hiking and lifting in 2021.

      After the omicron one and the leg pains however I no longer can run at all, walk too fast or too long or my leg pain or back pain just gets so severe that I can’t go on. I have to pace everything I do. In 2021 we still did long hikes in the woods and bogs, it used to be my lifeline mentsl health wise.

      It really takes a lot from us, and seems like it takes a bit more everytime we get it. My sense of smell and taste also seems to be a bit diminished forever and for a huge food enjoyer that just sucks, although it isn’t life threatening. But it’s just this overall loss of life quality that was preventable and that is really hard to come to terms with.

      Honestly I’m just waiting where I will get the covid caused cancer and if it kills me at this point.

    • Thanks for the tip. I tried the NAC and didn’t notice much, but antihistamines, kefir and probiotics helped me last time. Might have to try the combo. I’ve done everything from lactoferrin to natto and from quercetin to vagal nerve breathing to compression socks.

      Not loving this age of DIY healtcare tbh. But doctors have been useless so here we are.