Sometimes, you don’t want an endorsement from certain groups.

    1 hour ago

    That’s what they were all there for.

    To cause havoc and disrupt the vote count to keep Diaper Don in office.

    He went to prison for it. You can pretend otherwise, but the only people who play along are other reactionaries who are allied with this guy but are embarrassed that he took the mask off.

    What I’m asking you to do is to say it was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican Congressmen.


    This guy was part of Trump’s plan to have the House of Representatives overturn the election. It’s why he was there and why he went to prison. Trump wanted a bunch of reactionary dipshits to cause havoc, which is why he told them to go to Congress with the Proud Boys, 3%ers, Oath Keepers, and other neo-fascist groups.