Now that a lot of the commotion has subsided I’m just curious to know how y’all are finding the Lemmy experience in general and whether you use it regularly like you did reddit?

    11 months ago

    Browsing Lemmy’s front page has replaced reddit’s r/all for me, usually checking top of 12 hours from all instances.

    But I still use reddit for specific forums of certain things, because it’s just the biggest community for the particular subject. I usually try to check if I can find the particular subject from Lemmy and check that out first though.

    I’m more of a commenter/lurker and I quite rarely make new posts, but when I do make one:

    • If it’s a question about something I need help with, I’ll start with a Lemmy post and then possibly also make one on Reddit - more readers, more answers.
    • If it’s just a shitpost/meme/“content”, I only post it on Lemmy.