From the message in the linked page:

“We received a complaint about the game in its previous form, but we were able to resolve it amicably by agreeing to make a few changes. The game is now removed from sale from various platforms, but we are hoping to relaunch the game soon with a different name.”

Please return November 5th, 2024 for more information. You may be surprised.

From what I could find, the game is/was available on:

  • Fester
    2 days ago

    This is the first I’m hearing about Jydge, and it looks cool. But when I see “twin sticks”, I’m reminded of Solomon’s Keep and Solomon’s Boneyard, where the dev was hit with ridiculous patent lawsuits from another dev who claims to own the rights to that control scheme. I wonder if it’s the same dev trolling for a payout.

    • AusterOPM
      2 days ago

      I can conjecture two possibilities. First, that it’s indeed a “scam lawsuit”, and the attacker aims for smaller devs so he can scare them into paying out. Second, that it was a complaint made by the Judge Dredd rights holders, as the game and the judge, jury and executioner police have a small bit of a resemblance.