Both, ideally. Though UBI is still just a bandaid on the gushing wound that is capitalism; without radically correcting the housing market landleeches will just raise rents by the exact amount of UBI and we’ll be in the exact same situation.
Yeah when mass unemployment hit with the pandemic, we were shown exactly how insufficient most if not all states’ unemployment benefits were for actually living on. I think having some kind of voucher system where this is one week’s groceries, one month’s rent, etc., would work, but of course they’re going to find a way to game whatever we come up with. Saying “but they’ll find loopholes” isn’t a reason not to do the first step. That’s letting perfection get in the way of progress, and it’s pretty much the entire corpo pol playbook.
Both, ideally. Though UBI is still just a bandaid on the gushing wound that is capitalism; without radically correcting the housing market landleeches will just raise rents by the exact amount of UBI and we’ll be in the exact same situation.
An actually good UBI system would also include shit in the verbiage of the law to prevent that.
Yeah when mass unemployment hit with the pandemic, we were shown exactly how insufficient most if not all states’ unemployment benefits were for actually living on. I think having some kind of voucher system where this is one week’s groceries, one month’s rent, etc., would work, but of course they’re going to find a way to game whatever we come up with. Saying “but they’ll find loopholes” isn’t a reason not to do the first step. That’s letting perfection get in the way of progress, and it’s pretty much the entire corpo pol playbook.