Review for Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force on PC.
Taken from GamesMaster 100 - November 2000 (UK)
This issue can be found here in full:
#retrogaming Elite Force was SolO good
This is actually the first time I’ve heard of it.
Half-Life was still the go-to game at my friends place and he barely looked into anything besides that, Quake and Unreal at the time, so sadly, I had no idea what else was out in the PC space… I played the first tutorial level like a hundred times at a friend’s place, nothing better than drawing the rage of dozens of borg
@OutofPrintArchive I only played the demo, but it was pretty fun, especially multiplayer. The sequel has a hidden platformer level. I bought this one. I’m not a die hard Trekkie but I like the show and this is a really good game.
I think there’s a fan community that has kept it going all these years.
I wish I could play this somehow as I know of little to no Star Trek games that were actually good.
Massive fan of the series, but never dared to dip my toes. Into the Both Elite Force games are on The 2nd one follows up on the series finale of Star Trek: Voyager and expands the scope a bit, so they dropped Voyager from the title. the problem is, I don’t have a PC to play it on.
@OutofPrintArchive Well, the first one did have a PlayStation 2 port, but I don’t know how easily you can track that down. I see that there was a PAL release. This game is associated permanently in my mind with 11th September 2001, since I missed what’d happened because I was marathoning it.
Oh wow.
Yeah, that is something that will stick with you…
I still remember being at work when I heard it on the phone.
They were talking about it like it was some tiny sports plane, not sure what to call it on English.Then I got home, put on the TV and saw the damage and minutes later saw the second one hit…