I have some experience with games like Baldurs Gate or Divinity, but now i want to get into Tabletop DnD, but i have no clue where to start. I tried to get the starter pack from Wizards, but the newsletter sign up seems to be broken. Where can i find groups? Tips for character creation? Thanks you

  • Moobythegoldensock
    1 year ago

    Here’s a free copy of the Basic Rules.

    I would recommend buying a Player’s Handbook if you want to be a player and add on the Monster Manual and Dungeon Master’s Guide if you want to DM.

    https://roll20.net is a good site for online play. I believe you can also find games on there.

    My biggest tip on character creation is to read through the stat blocks and think a couple levels ahead. Generally, you want to allocate stats:

    • Your best stat should go to the main stat for the class
    • Second best stat generally goes to Constitution.
    • Third best stat goes to second stat for the class (example: Charisma for paladin) or planned subclass (example: intelligence for Eldritch Knight.) If neither of these apply, put it in Wisdom.
    • The rest of your stats can go wherever, it doesn’t really matter.

    Do that and your character will at least be decent.