And where are you from? And how old? Not “do you” but just if you know how.

I’m in the US, mid 30s and can (and do) drive a manual transmission.

  • ozamataz
    1 year ago

    I’m in my late 40’s and have been driving manual transmission since I got my license at 16. But I’m also one of those freaks that always loved driving manual cars in any situation, I used to drive one daily in downtown Chicago rush hour traffic.

    Cars were always a passion of mine, my family had two cars when I was a teenager, one auto and one stick. I begged to be taught the stick as soon as I got my license. I definitely fall into the “enthusiast” category of car owners. In the last 25 years I’ve had 6 cars, all of them manual transmission, and all of them I take to the race track for HPDE events whenever I can.