3 panel comic
top panel: person A is being chased by person B who is holding a large stick behind their heads as if about to attack with it. They are both running from right to left towards person C who has their finger up as if to explain
bottom left panel: close up on C looking down to the right, still with their finger up, now being splattered with blood from out of frame
bottom right panel: person A is now bludgeoned on the floor, person C, sprayed in blood still with their finger up that is being fist bumped by person B who is resting a now bloody stick on their shoulder
The only problem with this is that in the last panel, it looks like the centrist is experiencing some kind of introspection.
Valid criticism
The centrist will remember that.
Who am I kidding, no they won’t.
I like that he looks like he’s staring at the viewer. Like all that matters is my opinion.
This is the sort of apoliticalness we see with people in Russia
I like how the centrist transforms into also having a hood.
Why does everything have to involve politics,blocked
Or is the trash taking itself out?If you look closely you’ll see that this one is about you
Dead post just like lemmy ROFL, it’s basically a Chinese propaganda machine the west is still working it’s claws into
Trash it is then…
Here, let me show you the way out…