I’m just curious what y’all think about that aspect of your identity. What’s it based on? What are its limits?

  • Neuromancer
    1 year ago

    It’s anecdotal but don’t confuse conservative with republican. I bet most of them were democrats. It’s one of my complaints is we’ve become more divided. My hard science instructors were conservative. Psychology has went hard left now and it use to be more conservative. But it’s all anecdotal and I acknowledge the limits of that. I went to three schools and two leaned conservative. One I have no clue. It never came up. The second school was mainly retired military as instructors.

    What does it mean about Biden? Fair question and I’ll give you a fair answer. Nothing. It’s a dig at Biden but Putin is a master at words. Putin isn’t stupid. He picked those terms carefully to stain Biden.

    Biden political is all over the place but if we look at his record he’s fairly conservative. As president he’s neurotic. He’s trying to appease the left when he’s more right. Look at his crime bill in the 90’s