I’ll start:

  • Some significant portion of funds go towards development of the Lemmy software. 80%? Rest goes to lemmy instance hosting.
  • Ads are reasonable and non-intrusive (no popups etc)
  • People can still browse w/ an adblocker

I personally would gladly turn off my adblocker if I knew the ads were supporting development. Hell, I might even click a few!

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    1 year ago

    Why do you think most websites today come with a “this website uses cookies” agreement at the top or bottom of the screen even before you sign up? By pressing “I agree”, one could say you’re saying you agree. You might argue “but I didn’t sign up for the website”, but it’s not like someone out there can gatekeep what is considered “signing up”. A TOS in any form is a contract, and what goes on within a website is up to its creators who made it. To use another semi-analogy, you might notice a certain place has a video camera recording its surroundings, and you might say it’s wrong they think they can record you willy-nilly, although on the other hand, if you know it’s there, it can also be asked what you’re doing there if you don’t want to be recorded.