I’m starting to see why America hasn’t won a war in like 100 years.

It’s pretty embarrassing when you starve your people just to have the world’s most expensive army… only to constantly lose. Lmao.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    I’m starting to see why America hasn’t won a war in like 100 years.

    Because they’ve come to the conclusion they don’t have to, and that plunging entire world regions into chaos is enough to secure their hegemony. When you’ve lost Korea and Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan and are still on top, you start to think “it doesn’t matter, we just have to fuck shit up and it’ll work in our favor”. Amerika doesn’t need all of Ukraine, they’ve already written off the losses. They’ve already gotten at least a decade worth of wartime production for the entire IMC of the Western world out of this, they’ve ended cheap Russian gas for their European allies-hostages-competitors and replaced some of the supply with their own gas shipments, they’ll ultimately have a greater Eastern European sphere of influence than ever before, their stay behind nazi sleeper cells get free refills on military hardware and actual combat experience if they want to and Blackrock is buying finest Ukrainian farmland at bargain bin prices. A military victory where Russia doesn’t get Crimea, Donbass and Luhansk means fucking nothing compared to all that, it’d be the cherry on top but it doesn’t truly matter when all the other stuff is secure.

    • bookmeat
      1 year ago

      Let’s be sure to blame the USA when Russia can just pull out of the war and rejoin the global community at any time. But they have agency, they have a choice, and they refuse to do it. Idiots still like you still parrot this blame USA narrative.

    • TranscendentalEmpire
      1 year ago

      Amerika doesn’t need all of Ukraine, they’ve already written off the losses.

      I don’t think they even care about keeping part of Ukraine. When this began I don’t think they even contemplated that as a possibility.

      And all of what you wrote about was mainly pertaining to just Europe. The capabilities for Russia to project their military might across the globe has contracted. There’s going to vacuums of power all over the globe for the west to expand to.

      Even stupid moves like reaching out to North Korea has every NATO think-tank passing out from new levels of war boner. The South Koreans have a specific law that prohibits the sale of weapons to countries engaged in an active conflict. That’s unless North Korea is also involved…