• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Fun fact, prior to the Cambrian explosion animals did not have hard parts. There is a theory in a book called "in the blink of an eye " that some animal evolved eyes followed quickly by the evolution hard parts and the Cambrian explosion. They’re were three phyla of animals before the Cambrian explosion and whatever the current number is now I think it’s like 28 after the Cambrian explosion which took place in a very short period of time. link to book

  • Looking at people with their glassy eyes staring at the pretty lights, making small talk. The talk is small and meaningless. The entire point of the conversation is meaningless. The people appear to be performing humanity. They appear to be communicating, but no transfer of information is occurring. It sometimes makes you think that the other people are fundamentally, something. Something seems wrong with it: the ceremony, the pointlessness, the wandering around in circles. The conversations are those of dogs barking through a fence. They carry with them no language and no information. The dogs do bark, though. Why? If there wasn’t any information being transmitted they would be silent. The neurotypical engages in small talk for the same reason that dogs bark. The barking is the noise that carries the emotional state of the barker. People transmit emotional state information through small talk. The rituals are elaborate excuses to convey that state information to others. Emotional state information can be related to danger, food, well-being, whatever. The point is that the information is both very wide band and very dense Therefore, it is very useful. You, as an autistic person, are deaf to this in information and so seem like a color blind person or a stubborn person or a deaf person to allistics. Either way, the information is useless to you. Don’t bother performing. If you want to go alone, you don’t have to explain yourself. There can be pressure, but don’t think about it too much. The information is worthless to you anyways. People might be trying to be helpful, but unless you trust them and can legit unmask, you just have to deal with it. Animals bark, people talk. Whatever. I intentionally take a supremist attitude here to illustrate how engrained allism is in culture.

  • Barzaria@lemmy.dbzer0.comtomemes@lemmy.worldThe latest Ads
    14 days ago

    Wet ass sandwiches, as written in the ad. I don’t like Arby’s because the bread on their sandwiches is typically stale and is always served cold. Something about roast beef being wet is generally off-putting and most of their sandwiches are roast beef. I think that Arby’s being the only mainstream fast food deli has something to do with my low opinion. Hamburgers have some idiosyncrasies as well: cold cheese, lettuce is gross and wilted, different condiment defaults, ground beef is cheap and garbage tier food in the grand scheme of things. But the thing is that every fast food chain is burgers so the specific bad experiences of one chain are contrasted against the other chains. Jack in the box has greaseball burgers that have the consistency of slop, but, because they can be contrasted against Burger King, which has gimmicky food, nasty defaults, and burgers that are assembled sloppily with accoutrement splattered everywhere and cohesiveness scoring firmly in trash tier, they get a pass. I would argue that all fast food is trash food, but the illusion of choice keeps the whole house of ass-flavored cards standing. You can pick a cohesive slop (JITB) or an non-cohesive slapped together proper burger (BK). The flaws of one are mistakenly compared to the defacto standard of the competition when they should be compared to the real standard of actual good food. Arby’s doesn’t have competition in its space so that defacto standard doesn’t exist, leading people to compare it to delis that aren’t garbage tier food. There is a competition mismatch and Arby’s ends up competing against food outside of its tier, revealing it to be garbage tier. Further discussion is encouraged.

  • if is short for input file if is short for output file

    This dd command from the command line is what I use because it is built in and perfectly bare bones for my needs. I like to use the command flag --status=progress to show a status bar while duplicating the data. A word of caution: the dd, or ‘data duplicator’ program is sometimes known as the ‘destroy disk’ program because if you flash the iso file to the wrong disk/drive you can mess up the drive. Use the appropriate level of caution because there is no undo button. You can use the lsblk command to list the block devices on your machine and use the correct device. Quick instructions: use lsblk to list your block devices and locate your flash drive. If the flash drive is mounted (the /sdb/ will have something like /media/files if it is) you can unmount with $umount /path/to/sdb. Once the drive is unmounted you can use the dd program to duplicate the data (iso file) to your drive.