BioWarfarePosadist [she/her, they/them]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020


  • Generally I think it revolves around the normalization of really hateful thinking, both outside and within.

    I never got too deep into it, and once /pol/ got overrun with literal Nazis I knew it was over, and it’s when I started distancing myself from it. Reddit was nominally better, and it took me from being this center right a-hole to at least a RadLib.

    I always had an interest in Communism, but it was more “Tankie Aesthetic cool!” Than it was about “We must implement communism as it is the only way to save the world.”

    Since no one ever was able to convince me that the USSR killed 6942002496 people a second, it and the awesomeness of Chapo Trap House eventually got me to where I am now: The only True Leftist.

  • I keep trying to tell people that the model we have for housing essentially becomes a cross generational Ponzi Scheme.

    The first houses were all built low-cost high quality. However, because every person started treating their home as an investment, that means every person believes they deserved money for their home whether they improved it or wrecked it.

    I was arguing with a family member who pulled the “Wouldn’t YOU want to make money off selling your home?” (which I don’t have, I rent an apartment) My only answer was "It would be nice, but if not making a profit on my home meant that 10 more people had an affordable home they were living in, I would happily give that profit up. Of course that was followed by “Well aren’t you a saint.”

    Again, if my beliefs make me both a communist and a saint, then I’m doing good, I guess.

  • Like, Trump is literally winning for the same reason he won last time: A clown car of Republican all running on a platform that is essentially the same as Trump.

    The only snowballs chance the Not Trumps have is if it was 1v1. Either Nikki or Ron needs to drop out immediately and endorse whoever is still in.

    But of course the Republican party is full of ghouls who have no self awareness or memory of recent history so here we are. Literal repeat of 2016. If they really didn’t want Trump they could have pulled the same rat fuckery that the Dems pulled on Bernie, but they won’t, cause they all want Trump, even when they say they don’t.