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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • I’m 22. I grew up playing my PS1 on with an upscaler on the 55 inch Vizio in the front room. I like the PS1 art style quite a bit and think that a good upscale and maybe a filter is all you need to make things look how I want.

    Idk, I think it would make a difference in the Microsoft v Sony sales. Nintendo doing the N64 and NES eShop have been massively successful. Xbox doesn’t really have any killer apps, they’ve really just had Sony beaten on software features the past two generations. Sony implementing the software features that Nintendo and Microsoft offer would make a decent difference.

    Plus, imagine how well a “play your childhood discs on your xplaytendo switchtion” would work in an ad campaign. Getting people to pull out their childhood game collection would make for a great viral campaign for gamers as well.

    Idk, the thing about the internet that I don’t think older people have realized is that it creates an even larger freeze in culture than ever before. If you started gaming in the 90s, you likely heard about older games via word of mouth and got your games at a physical store. There were no minor celebrities that would turn a cult classic into an actual classic. Nowadays? Old media is fully capable of wiping out new media in the right circumstances. Songs like “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac and some Pink Floyd (if I remember correctly) have taken #1 Billboard spots in the past 2-3 years. LSD Dream Emulator went from a game nobody played to a PlayStation classic because of some YouTube videos. We’re in an age where there is an extremely high demand for old media and no way to access most of it without piracy. There is a TON of money to be made by charging money for emulation and moving things to new consoles.

    Mark my words, Skyrim will come out on the next generation Xbox, because Bethesda understands that accessibility is good enough to charge for.

  • It has been building up for a while, but if this didn’t become mainstream in the middle of one of the hottest weeks of all time, I’d buy into it. However, between the Russia-Ukraine war and temperatures ruining the global south’s winter, we’re getting news that gives us actual reason to worry about food insecurity. With that, and the former president going through a massive criminal trial right now, the government making a big deal out of aliens all of a sudden feels like a red herring. A really good red herring, pretty much the only reasonable option to promote American unity, but I still think it’s a red herring.

    The west as a whole is going to have a really rough year. Losing Russian/Ukrainian oil and food exports is rough. South America losing its agriculture, even if it’s only a year, is big enough to actually cause a recession. On top of this, the world is no longer unipolar, America is no longer the #1 superpower, we’re sharing that spot with China now. All of this in a period where writers and actors are striking so the distractions are slowing down. America is seeing some really shitty times coming, but America is also worse equipped than ever to deal with them.

    I’m not a massive conspiracy theorist or a future teller, I can’t tell you what the fuck is going to happen from here. But what I can tell you is that 2024 will end up as a full chapter in the world history books in 50 years. We’re about to be history book entries, and that’s so fucking scary that the government is pulling out aliens as a hail mary to unite the country more so it’s not disasterous.

  • Thank you for that tidbit! My Grandpa worked over in China and would always bring movies back over. Got Ice Age 2 months early! I always wondered why the Chinese movies looked so much choppier, a different format makes a lot of sense.

    Yeah, I’d imagine that you guys could have bought 20 pirate DVDs for the price of like 1 legit one. Plus, could be wrong, but my Grandpa said the pirated movies were usually the US releases so they were the uncensored versions of the movie. A better product for a better price, there’s no reason to buy the originals.

  • Chinese piracy is …odd. But generally speaking, yes they love to pirate shit. Most disc movies over there are counterfeits, not official. So most home media purchases are pirated.

    People are able to get past the firewall pretty easily, the same information needed for P2P is needed to get past the great firewall. So if you’re able to get past the firewall, you’re probably able to download games without being caught. Separate from the great fire wall, Android is by far the most used operating system in Asia as a continent. There is a constant flow of apps like 4Shared and Zedge that provide access to pirated content with pretty much no barriers and they succeed quite well in China.

    Piracy over there is pretty much a norm, whether you’re knowingly pirating or not. Linus Tech Tip’s Chinese channel is ran by Chinese pirates that the company hired eventually. But the Chinese front for that channel is literally just some random guys that started downloading the videos, translating them and posting them for the ad revenue. Sure the viewers may not have known it was pirated, but the viewers were still technically pirating 🤷‍♀️

  • Sorry but the Book of Mormon is literally a guide on running a patriarchal white ethnostate that Joseph Smith wrote while hopped up on Ephedra, aka old school speed. He created one of the most successful sex cults in American history. He was running for president when he was killed. Then Brigham Young literally tried to declare war on the federal government when they got to Utah because they thought it was their promised land. They also believed that it was better to kill sinners than to let them live (blood atonement).

    What you are saying is objectively wrong. If Smith and Young had their way, there would be a white ethnostate covering the Southwest of the nation.