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  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2024


  • MonstrositytoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMaybe this is better for everyone
    12 days ago

    Yikes. You know, vegans are targeted by the extremely wealthy & powerful meat & dairy industries who spend untold fortunes making the vegan lifestyle look as unappealing and “crazy” as possible?

    I mean, I’m sure you’re galaxy brain is impervious to propaganda and everything, I’m just saying, you’re painting with an awfully broad brush.

  • I edited in a link to a YouTube video in my last comment if you haven’t seen it. Give that a watch I guess. Maybe it will answer your questions if you have the attention span to get through all twelve minutes or so.

    But also do yourself a favor sometime, stop for a few moments and try to pin down why meat eating is such an important part of your identity and why you’re so defensive about it. Like why do you care so much? Who taught you that?

    Or don’t. I’m not your dad.

  • I appreciate the point you’re trying to make but if you look into it, our meat habit is far and away one of, if not the, biggest climate challenges we face. We cannot continue consuming meat at our current pace and curb global warming, it’s that simple. And while my initial post is extremely judgemental, I really just wish people would start paying attention to how much meat they eat. Is it really necessary? Really? Every meal? Considering the resources meat requires to harvest, I don’t think so, but, sure, harp on my clothes, bro/broette.

  • That’s nice to say, but actually your meat consumption is fucking everyone up, even people who choose to live their lives the way they like and not fuck the Planet up because they lack the willpower to resist that tasty tasty carcass at literally every meal.

    EDIT: Meaters, eating just one meal a day that includes meat would make a HUGE environmental impact. Just, try it for a week, cut down to meat for one meal daily. Breakfast or lunch or dinner. It’s easy.

  • MonstrositytoMemes@lemmy.mlZen Z
    29 days ago

    Actually, a lot don’t. I mean, like, at least fifty percent. You would be surprised. I don’t think it’s schools being conservative so much as it didn’t occur to teachers and staff that analogue clocks are frankly obsolete (I still like them). I didn’t read this article, but it sounds like that’s being corrected.

    Anyways, I really respect your attitude that it’s not worth getting bent out of shape or spending a lot of time on, I think you’re right. A lot of people get precious about it or, worse, make fun of kids like they’re stupid because they haven’t wasted their time learning to read, essentially, a sundial.

  • MonstrositytoPrivacy@lemmy.mlUse a password manager
    1 month ago

    That’s what I’ve resorted to, but I only use Firefox because it has a master password.

    Chrome has no master password so what stops any fool from stealing your passwords while you’re taking a piss, I don’t know.

    Password managers always cause me headaches, though, and never want to integrate correctly. More trouble than their worth in my estimation.