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Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • That and there’s always a chance that a place meant to help and heal something like that is well, misused. I imagine it’s a helluva tightrope to walk

    Yup. I love me my violent games and horror movies, not ashamed of playing or watching risque anime (but, I’d never cross ecchi/hentai stuff with violence. Too much for me. Regular violence, cool, extreme sexual violence, not my thing. The only exception is when Silent Hill does it, but even then…it’s Silent Hill, you kinda expect to be grossed out), but then again, you saw my first post…so you can imagine my frustration when i see hypocracy like that (we’re not even gonna get into the topic of Crunchy starting out as a anime pirating site, and then the second they could, they started demonizing piracy even if some had legit reasons to do so. that makes my blood boil even tho it probably shouldn’t) instead of the, to me, logical conclusion of “Hey, they’re both fake, and at the end of the day sex is more normal than ripping a guy’s spinal cord out, maybe we shouldn’t be so trigger happy”.

    Depends on the cereal. If it’s flakes and they’re pretty crushed it’s not so bad to waterfountain or just chug (or well, not chug, exactly, just drop into your mouth), if it’s something like Reeses Puffs, it’s much easier to just grab them, but if you’re steady you can drop some in your mouth from the cup no problem. Never had a problem doing it personally

  • You know I actually hadn’t thought of that, that if you’re wired to like those things your choices are either to trust that some close friend group will accept and try to help you, or essentially endure the exile alone and (hopefully) you don’t crack. Shit is completely fucked. I know it’ll sound odd if i go like “that guy that’s sexually attracted to dogs is not so different from a bisexual or gay person” but at the end of the day that’s kinda…true. the only difference is that in one instance, the brain is wired to favor a consenting adult, and the other, unfortunately isn’t.

    I wanna say it’s selective obliviousness, but maybe that’s not the right word. Exactly like the above. Again, I get it, it’s uncomfortable for people, but at the end of the day, both cub/shota/loli even guro and something like COD or Halo are fictional. If it’s actual child porn, then yeah, the majority of people will have a problem with it. Just like if actual war crimes or acts of terrorism were committed IRL and not in a game, most people’d understanably be up in arms about it–but, well, it’s not…it’s a drawing. I also think it’s just people’s weird double standards regarding sex and violence. You know how it is: Manhunt, the game where you’re brutally executing psychos in snuff films for your family’s freedom (never mind the fact the guy making you do this is getting off to it. off screen tho, so you only hear it), is a-ok according to Sony, but if a random anime girl has the audacity to even show a lil bit of skin, they start clutching pearls. It’s retarded IMO

    It’s funny that you link it to popcorn, because that’s exactly what i compare it to. And nah, no spoon, I usually eat it in a cup so I don’t get my hands dirty (just careful so i don’t choke lol), but sometimes I eat it in a bowel. I never eat it for breakfast tho, just as a snack occasionally

  • You beat me on two of them, Disa

    +There’s a difference between an active pedophile going around raping kids, and someone who’s sexually attracted to minors but knows it’s fucked up and doesn’t do that. Buddy of mine’s in that situation (well, with animals instead of kids) and hates himself for it. It’s not his fault his brain’s wired that way.

    +Loli/Shota are harmless and are just drawings at the end of the day. Liking them doesn’t make you a bad person nor a pedo (and if it does, I guess a lotta FPS players are gonna go to jail for manslaughter). More people really need to distinguish between reality and fiction, is all I’m saying.

    But now for my totally original controversial take (it’s never been done before, promise):

    +Cereal and Milk is fucking gross. (Yes, I eat it DRY). Actually, no, plain milk by itself is just disgusting…especially warm.

  • I’m actually curious now. One would think that what Silent Hill went through–spending a decade in an odd limbo of technically being alive (Pachinko machines) but not really, with fans just waiting for signs of a pulse of an actual game until they all became extremely jaded to any and all news, leaks, and rumors (not to mention that now, we know there were various failed attempts at reviving Silent Hill before Konami restructured and started dipping thier hands in games again. Some were even dated months after Silent Hills got canned)–is the definition of horribly mistreated series.

    IDK, I can’t imagine Titanfall having it worse, but if it did, I’m morbidly curious to know more

  • As much as I love 6…i think we need a break from Remakes of good games (what i mean by that is personally, I find it a waste when a great game gets a remake, but something like Devil May Cry 2 or the first Two Worlds, which are ripe to redeem themselves with a bitchin remake, get passed over in favor of games like Dead Space or RE 4–which were great! But like…both still hold up today tho. At least Lords of the Fallen is getting that second chance, I guess)

    Also, if it does get made, here’s hoping it’s an actual Remake like System Shock was and not some fanciful interpretation of the word “Remake” like 7 was…but that’s just my hope,IDK