• 190 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • What do you mean by “tracked and registered?” What is your goal for “securing even more?”

    MAC addresses are visible to anyone sniffing traffic for a wireless LAN, even if they haven’t joined your network. If you are having anonymous folks join your network and you’re granting them access based on MAC addresses, then you could consider this a security risk. They can sniff a MAC, spoof it, and join your network.

    Two devices with the same MAC address may cause some routing issues, but it will likely work well enough to have privileged access and be a bad actor. Plus, there are tools that can spoof a network disconnect request as your access point to temporarily kick off the legitimate client.

    The easiest way to handle this would be to host two access points. You can typically serve both with one physical piece of hardware. One would be for your private stuff, and you can pretty much give it a full-trust model. Join the network, get the privileges. The other would be for guests. Join that, and you just get Internet access. You can separate these networks with VLANs to achieve this.

  • You’d be surprised how little math is involved in programming that doesn’t require it. A significant majority of programming is simply managing conditionals. For example: “when the door opens, turn on the light.”

    Math comes into place when you need it, and hardly ever comes as a surprise. Additionally, solved problems are generally kept in libraries. For example, you don’t need to calculate a sum; simply tell it to calculate a sum for you, because this is a solved problem.

    What you’re already running into is called “impostor’s syndrome.” You believe that you are not capable of something to some degree, even though reality says otherwise. You haven’t tried your hand at programming, so why worry now? You’re inventing problems for yourself before you even got a chance to start.

    Just go for it and see what you think. If you don’t enjoy it, no biggie. If you do enjoy it, keep going. No obligations 👌