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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 30th, 2023

  • Life is Strange.

    That game is deep and the way it builds the characters and their relationships is honestly fantastic.

    I legitimately found myself caring for Max, Chloe and their friends. When Kate killed herself because of my choices and neglecting her I felt dreadful.

    But nothing hit as hard as that final choice. Do you go back to the beginning and let Chloe die to save the town, but lose her? Or do you let the town get destroyed and potentially lose everyone else you care about, but keep Chloe alive?

    I legitimately was astounded by how difficult a choice it was to make, it really had me considering all the possibilities, all the downsides and upsides.

    In the end I went back and allowed Chloe to die and honestly the ending was heartbreaking. The funeral, everyone heartbroken, the soundtrack.

    No game had hit me on an emotional level like that before. And no game ever has since

  • The epitome of this is Deadly Premonition.

    It’s batshit insane, the characters are crazy, the plot is a mess and the gameplay is a joke with terrible driving, awful combat, dreadful QTE’s and an awful map.

    But it’s also ridiculously charming, oozing with personality and heart. The cast may be crazy and absolutely insane but they’re also loveable and fun to interact with. It may be ugly but the world is oddly peaceful and tranquil and while the story may be a convoluted mess it also packs some pretty solid twists.

    It’s Twin Peaks the game and it’s perfect, but it’s also really shit, but kind of great, I guess?

  • My biggest disappointment gaming wise this year was buying an Xbox.

    Like, I’m not a major fanboy for PlayStation but god damn Microsoft is failing to deliver. All of the exclusives I’ve tried have ranged from average (Starfield) to mediocre (Redfall), I’m honestly considering just selling it for credit to put towards the new Like a Dragon and FF7: Rebirth on PS5.

    To anyone considering a first current gen console. Do NOT buy an Xbox, it delivers nothing worthwhile and despite them claiming the console is more powerful than the PS5 it can’t achieve a stable framerate in any of the games I’ve played on it, games routinely look ugly and chug along.

    I’ve played the same games on PS5 and they’re consistently at 60fps and it’s night and day.

    Even GamePass isn’t that impressive honestly, there’s barely any decent games on there