4th and 5, the national championship on the line right here…
Congrats to the winners! This was a hard contest but it was fun. I look forward to the final community poll – I haven’t even looked at my model since around the time of the CCGs so I’m curious to see who it declares the champion (my last ranking had tOSU and ND at 1 and 2, respectively, so I’m feeling good about how it’s calibrated).
And to the users, I want to echo OP: I’m also open to all feedback and suggestions for the mod team. I didn’t seek to be one, but I guess being active resulted in me being appointed. So I just try to keep the community going and also hope we can grow alongside the rest of the Fediverse. I try to be pretty hands-off w/ regards to mod actions and I’m grateful to all of you who are able to talk trash while keeping things clean.
One thing I’d like to put out there is that we would like to get a bot set up for next year to at least automate the posting of game threads. The founding mod, Manibusan, had done some research into this and I think we came to the conclusion last season that neither of us had the time and/or scripting comfort level to figure it out. With how tech-savvy Lemmy is, I’m sure some of you might be able to help out. So if anyone is interested, let me know and I’d be happy to share the resources we had discussed.
Oh, so it is possible to score in the 3rd quarter? Hey, you learn something new everyday
Wait, what? We benched Bert Auburn? I mean, I get missing both go-ahead FGs in the Peach Bowl was really bad but he’s otherwise been clutch all season and I wouldn’t expect him to miss XPs
Yeah, bummer they missed that call, but I’m not confident we would have been able to keep the drive going anyway. Turns out the best play is to let an OSU commit a bunch of unforced errors. Sark playing 5D chess
Ewers needs to stop scrambling! 2nd sack. Arrggh
Ahhh, bummer to not get points in the opening drive. But at least we can move the ball on the buckeyes
Oh no, it’s an ACC ref crew? Well, I just hope they screw up calls for both teams, then
Certainly looks like halftime adjustments were made
Uh oh, Riley Leonard is out. And things were already getting sideways for Notre Dame
Early interception!
Feels like these teams are pretty evenly matched so whoever wins the turnover battle probably wins outright
Taxslayer Gator Bowl
If Kiffen doesn’t put up a thousand points he should probably just delete his Twitter
Georgia fell for the 4th down trickery!!!
Ah, short on the fourth down, bummer. The evil empire takes over at midfield. Hope the Irish can get a stop
That’s what Georgia gets for getting greedy and trying to steal points before the half. I hope y’all can hold onto this lead
This Ohio State team is a buzz saw to all teams not named Michigan. Not to put the cart before the horse since this game isn’t final, but I am already mentally preparing for Texas to get boat raced by them in the Cotton Bowl…
I like these ones, other than the helmets which make them look like North Texas. I feel like they’ve been using more traditional unis much more since Lanning took over
I feel like the last few minutes of the 4th quarter and the overtimes took years off my life. I was so sure we would choke it all away
I have also been asking for close games, and now realize I have jinxed myself. I agree about no one being left out though
Ewers with the rushing TD!! Let’s goooooooooo
Oh, so it is possible to score against tOSU from the 1 yard line. Just need a mobile quarterback. Gee, wish we had one of those on our roster…