secular humanist, Bright, progressive, online since 1992 Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada might get me on XMPP
Am I at risk for a ban?
down vote satire that you can’t comprehend, keep it coming. rolls eyes
damn the ignorance is strong
cos of lack of thinking understanding
stunningly brilliant assessment, GOAT
glad to see ignorance of down voting without cluing into the video mocking JP, well done non-thinkers
yes, so. The other Oasis is a sex club.
what about clonezilla? does it have more safe guards and functionality?
sure is, beats texting
accountable moderation is a rare bird
gthumb play videos if you installed proper codecs
Harassment against scientists is out of control.
When and how to debate vaccine science.
(Your Local Epidemiologist)
‘If you win the popular imagination, you change the game’: why we need new stories on climate.
(The Guardian)
Are COVID vaccines related to neurologic events?
(Skeptical Raptor)
A single COVID-19 pandemic or multiple SARS pandemics? Does it matter?
(John Snow Project)
strong, character, compassion, wisdom … a good role model