• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • I tried debug-on-entry before calling dired-jump and didn’t see any errors. I am not sure if I know what I am looking at when I drill down to the active variables. As I mentioned, it is not completely frozen, it is just taking a very long time when there is a large pdf in the buffer, so it might not throw an error.

    But I did do another test which seems to rule out helm in itself as the problem. In an emacs with no packages except pdf-tools and dired+ the same problem occurs in ido-mode, but NOT when simply using the default basic completion style. Ido-mode offers completion candidates, but just as with helm, when you try to go to a dired buffer, emacs hangs. With no dired+, the same operation in ido-mode works smoothly. So it seems the issue is being caused by dired+ in combination with not just helm, but ido completion. I could try other completion packages, I suppose, to see if those also have the same problem.

  • I will keep at it. No, I’ve used helm and pdf-tools together for years, and I only had the problem just recently when I started using dired+. Anyway, I’ll do that “diredp-send-bug-report” you suggested as follow up, and maybe even open an issue with helm. I recently reported a helm issue and they literally fixed it by the next day. I was so happily surprised that I am now a patreon supporter!

  • I will also do what you suggest and maybe open an issue with pdf-tools.

    I am a layperson, but the problem seems to be that the kind of buffer variable pdf tool creates doesn’t work if the files are big with whatever functions dired+ uses to handle those buffers whereas the functions for “go to dired buffer from pdf-tools buffer” that get called without dired+ installed do handle the pdf-tool buffers. So yeah, that could be just as easily be a problem either with the way pfd-tools creates the buffers or with how dired+ handles them. Dired+ works fine with everything else when jumping to dired.

    Anyway, that was the thought process of a former English major.

  • Thanks for your suggestion. I still had the same issue. I notice that helm-commands called when in the pdf-tools buffer also freeze, not just the dired-jump (C-x C-j) command. The helm buffer opens when you do helm find files or helm locate etc. But then when you move down and try to open a folder, emacs freezes. It doesn’t freeze if you just open a file. So it is any command that wants to get you to a dired buffer from the pdf-tools-buffer. I.e. C-x d freezes, helm-find-files, helm-locate - all freeze if you use them to try to open a dired buffer. But helm freezing doesn’t occur in a pdf-tools buffer when dired+ is not loaded, meaning dired+ is definitely what causes it. But in a non-pdf-tools buffer with dired+ loaded helm works fine. So it has something to do with pdf-tools and dired+ being in conflict.