I use pdf-tools for reading and recently started using bookmark+ and dired+ for navigating. Unfortunately these two great packages seems to conflict.

One of the issues I noticed was that the bookmark+ command for bookmarking a pdf location in a pdf-tools buffer didn’t work; it gave an empty buffer warning. Turns out bookmark+ creator Drew Adams had already suggested a workaround which I discovered here: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/72786/bookmark-plus-and-pdf-tools-pdf-view-error

So that solved or at least patched that issue. But then I noticed that with dired+ installed and any fairly large pdf opened in pdf-tools, emacs will freeze if you attempt to do dired-jump or helm-find-files. Dired-jump without dired+ is not affected by the size of the pdf at all and just opens the underlying directory immediately. But with dired+ anything above about 1mb or so hangs it for quite a while, anything around 10mb or more just freezes it for minutes on end to the point that unless you want to go make yourself lunch and coffee, you will have to force kill emacs to keep working.

As a noob, non-techie, non-developer, I just wanted to ask, what is the right way of asking about possibly getting this issue fixed, because I love these two packages and would love to have both in working order, but obviously don’t have the coding know how to do it myself. Of course if anybody knows of a fix that’s already out there for this issue, I’d love to know about that as well.

  • 00-11@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    As I said, please follow up off list, using M-x diredp-send-bug-report. You haven’t even mentioned your platform etc.

    One quick thing to try would be to evaluate this, to see if the extra font-locking is the problem: (remove-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'diredp--set-up-font-locking).

    • jcdix@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      Sorry, last message here. I will follow up with diredp-send-bug-report. I will try your last suggestion.
