lilypad [she/her]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • Theres a url, say So far this is the routing portion of the url that says how to find the web server, basically saying “ask .com how to find peepee”, and that gives us the ip address of the server.

    Everything that comes after that, is information for the server itself. So to navigate to a resource, say poopoo, that lives on the server, they would navigate to

    But sometimes you want to navigate to that resource and also communicate some bit of information to the server, say a login token so the server knows who is accessing that resource. This is communicated via a URL parameter, and looks like ?userid=abcd1234, or in the full url: So the user is still accessing the same resource, but has provided additional metadata to the server.

    These parameters can be abused to identify who knows who and who communicates with who by attaching a tracking id parameter to the URL, so when you share a link it includes that tracking parameter and anyone who clicks on it, well now the server knows that the originator of the tracking ID (well, the first person to be assigned it) shared it with this other person. This can be combined with other collected info to build a map and social graph of actual people, e.g. we know dave is at this ip, and jane is at this other ip, and we put a tracking parameter in daves url and we saw jane use that same tracking parameter in her url, so we know that dave shared this url with jane.

    So to answer your question, a canonical link is a link to a resource without the unneeded url parameters.

  • Ok so heres some thoughts on tzadik:

    It genrally means someone who is wise and rightous, who has a strong and good moral intuition and the wisdom to back it up and analyze it to find it to be good. The word itself shares a root/is derived from צדק, which means to do just things or to do what is correct/just/right. A tzadik makes things be as they should be (see also tikkun olam). A tzadik also helps us see the divinity and/or rightousness within ourselves.

    I used that word because there are many so called tzadikim that are arguing for israel and its so-called right to defend itself, so im wanting to say that this is not the way forward into rightousness but rather a path that works evil, through genocide and oppression, and a tzadik should recognize this (and indeed some have).

    Theres also the argument (at least, ive heard it in my family) that one may be called a tzadik but that no one is a tzadik, at least not in perpetuity; rather, one takes actions as a tzadik would. This shifts the focus onto the actions themselves and recognizes that no one is inherently rightous, rather ones actions are rightous and one is rightous in that situation.

  • Sorry, im not used to tagging for language and spaced it, ill see if I can fix it. (Edit: i got an “error language not allowed” when selecting yiddish unfortunately)

    And the translation is close! Tzadikim is perhaps better translated as “rightous people”, imo, but theres a whole lot to be said about tzadikim that could be a response of its own. And i put bafrayen (to make free) in the present tense instead of future because im (perhaps naively) holding hope that we are in that process right now, not waiting for that process to begin. But i think it means the same as the english phrase “will be free” semantically.