Cats, Pastry, DIY, Webdev, Photography. Trans rights now! Fuck all nazis.

  • 52 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • i saw him on two separate youtube channels: Magnus Midtbø (norwegian climber) and Will Tennyson (bodybuilding vlogger)

    in both cases, they were invited by Bryan Johnson to his lair, going through his routine. it felt like a surreal cringe fest of zero social awareness. Bryan was permanently looking for some kind of validation, comparing his skills to his guest, or asking the various personal trainers / doctors if he beat some younger age category, etc.

    everything he does can’t be healthy and i wouldn’t call what he does “living”. he’s bound to a 24h program where everything is planned down to the minute.

  • yeah i’m conflicted about it, we have a leased tesla through my so’s company and 3 years left on the contract. it would cost so much to get out of it right now that we can’t seriously consider switching the car. but we wake up every day wondering if we’re going to have to scrape off stickers, or wash a fresh spray painted artwork off the hood.

    that sucks so much because we really enjoyed that car, and nothing really came close on the market when we got it. Polestar or Ioniq look better and better and we will probably switch to one of those when we give the Model 3 back.