I was curious how they got the recordings of the Xbox voice chat but it looks like one of these dumbasses recorded it themselves.
I was curious how they got the recordings of the Xbox voice chat but it looks like one of these dumbasses recorded it themselves.
+1 for the Xbox controller. I got a telescoping controller for Xmas last year. I used it a bunch but the ergonomics were all wrong and I started getting persistent pains in my left hand. Switched to an Xbox controller I already had and the pain went away almost immediately.
I landed on Podcast Addict. It was similar enough for me to switch pretty easily.
When Stitcher shut down I briefly considered this app as an alternative but I said, no. These guys can’t be trusted to stick around. So no surprise here but thanks clamman for sharing it.
I listened and you are right about this clip. It is painful to listen to. It’s not from his podcast. This was an old radio show from before his podcast existed.
Some conspiracies are better than others. If we’re talking JFK, lost civilization, or aliens; I want to hear you out because I enjoy thinking about that stuff too.
Not OP but the one who cleans sees all.
You don’t even need to remember it. He says that he doesn’t know shit all the time. I think he’s more surprised than anyone that he weilds the influence he’s credited with.
You forgot giant. It applies to some of us more than others.
The premise of the article is preposterous. Essentially, older people were rarely homeless in the recent past. Now, boomers are experiencing it. So, we need “to end homelessness in older adults” and “targeted prevention efforts.”
We can’t fix the actual problem for all of society. We need to come up with yet another way for the boomers to have their lives subsidized by all other generations that have come before or since.
They don’t. This could be an incredibly short sided move if it drives the resulting knowledge gains outside of US influence.
I saw a documentary about navy pilots and one guy had been flying as a captain for like 40 years.
They make enough money off the rubes. They should just let us nerds have this one.
“Like the Denisovans, HLD 6 does not appear to have a chin.”
They finally found fossil evidence that Springfield is real. This is like when they discovered Troy!
If you’re not moving with the line, I infer you are not in line. I would have no qualms going right around her.
Fair point. I totally forgot about his play for secretary of state.
To be fair, Romney is like the only one of these guys who didn’t bend the knee.
I’d love to learn this as well.