Friends, what popular things around you irritate you? For example, a few years ago I was terribly annoyed by motivational speakers crawling out from under every bush

  • abbadon420
    1 month ago

    Aren’t the panama papers stil being investigated though? Isn’t Hong Kong still fighting for their freedom? These things loose coverage in media, because modern media always needs to be fast and spectacular. But real, meaningful things are slow and thoughtful. Therefore, popular media is dumb and loud. It’s not really the people who are to blame, it’s the media.

      1 month ago

      It’s not always the media…

      Because the phrase of ‘those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it’ comes right into play. The people ignore whatever it was the media reported and soon we’re going to be doomed to repeat it. People have to stick to these issues, they have to be grounded and they have to keep holding those responsible that are linked to these issues.

      Instead, people bumble around all day, wondering why there’s still corruption, wondering why there’s still political bullshit going on and wondering why nothing seems to get better. Well, it’s because they decided to ignore it and not do enough.

      • abbadon420
        1 month ago

        I agree with you, but it’s all so very nuanced. There’s not a single entity to blame. If it was easy, it wouldn’t be a problem.

        I don’t think these problems will ever be solved. It’s in human nature, but it’s important to remain vigilant. I think that is something many people, like you and me, do every once in a while.

        There are definitely still people keeping an eye on the panama papers and their trials. Like the icij and the bbc