• Letstakealook
    1 year ago

    My senior year I took mostly AP courses and there were these two “nerd” bullies, Noah and Cory, that loved to target me because Noah’s mom (a teacher) made sure he knew I was on the spectrum. These two guys were physically weak, but their parents protected their mouths from fists. I remember one of them intentionally caused a collision with my vehicle in the parking lot, then lied, and I got the ticket because of who Cory’s dad was. The AP English teacher really disliked me for whatever reason as well and would encourage these two to come after me in class, sometimes he’d even join in.

    There were many incidents with this teacher’s bullying, but one really sticks out to me. Towards the end of the year, I was sitting in the back of class minding my business and reading. A group of kids, including the two bullies, were at the teacher’s desk talking to him about what colleges they planned to attend. Out of nowhere, the teacher yells “Hey (me)! What college are you attending? Alcatraz University?” Of course the two assholes erupt in the loudest laughter and the rest of the class follows suit. Not only was it moronic, it was completely unprompted.

    Fuck you, Noah and Cory. But a special fuck you for Mr. Betscher.