I care about my privacy, though I like it’s UI. Is it really as bad as some say?

  • @mintycactus@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Just read their privacy, it is good. If you do not turn reward and sync on they won’t have any personal data at all. Even if you turn sync on, it does everything accountless, it is more private and secure, than common accounts way. Rewards are about cryptoshit, just do not turn them on, not worth it.

    You can read Mozilla privacy as well, because it is bad. They will collect a lot more data, but most could be turned off. Sync requires an account, and your email will be shared to 3rd party. In case of bankupcy (or other financial procedures) Mozilla can sell or transfer your data to 3rd party. Yes it sounds weird and bad, but that’s how it is.

    Anyway you should not listen to “they say” on Lemmy or anywhere. Not even this post. Go and read it yourself! You will be surprised.