Improving teacher quality in America’s schools will take much time and hard work. You would have to start from the ground up, training new teachers from scratch based on partially lost knowledge. You would have to raise college admission standards and require four years of academic work in the teacher’s core subject.

Education degrees and teacher licensing, by the way, should be done away with. They are expensive and ineffective.

    • PizzaMan
      10 months ago

      It’s clear you know nothing about teaching or children. You can’t make a kid pay attention. They can be looking right at you and not listen to a single word you say.

      If that’s how children teach you, no wonder you think that some can’t be taught.

      If it was possible to force kids to learn all kids graduating the 12th grade would be able to read at 3rd grade level.

      That is not a measure of how easy it is to force kids to learn.

      There’s a big difference between a kid that wants to learn but has difficulties and a kid that doesn’t want to learn.

      I never said there wasn’t a difference. But both groups are kids that are struggling.

      Again if you had more experience with teaching or children you might understand this.

      This is just an ad hominem.

        • PizzaMan
          10 months ago

          You’re going to have to take a little more time before you post your nonsense.

          Nah, I just don’t care to proof read for somebody who is incapable of understanding what I’m saying from the get go.

          It is

          No it isn’t. There’s a million reasons why education outcomes are the way they are. You can’t just point to the outcomes and say X reason and X reason alone is the cause.

          why do you keep bringing other groups up.

          Because both groups fall under the umbrella of kids that are struggling.

          It’s not, you really need to brush up on your logical fallacies. I’m saying your lack of experience has made you unable to distinguish two different groups.

          That is by definitely an ad hominem. You are attacking me instead of my position.